yes, that is a great suggestion Laura.
My anxiety meds helped me stop obsessing about my family. not only did I want revenge, but I wanted for them to just understand me, finally. Why did I think they are capable when my whole life I've been the odd one out? So I agree, meds can help us to overcome this, and focus our thoughts back on more calming/centering/productive things. But, I've noticed they don't eliminate my obsessing altogether. The thing that has helped me is to talk to my T and get all the garbage out. Just telling her how I used to wish my mother would die in a car accident, all the time, when I was a child, was hugely relieving to me. I think I'd been carrying that guilt around for so long, and just didn't know what to do with it. To tell a mental health care professional this, and not have her jump up and say "WELL, LET'S GO GET THE STRAIGHT JACKET THEN, CAUSE IT'S OBVIOUS YOU'RE DEMENTED BEAN" (ha ha, I know...but hey, there's a part of me that still fears people would actually do this - it's my projection/transference of my Mom onto them)...let's just say, this does wonders to your mental health. When you start to get all this out, the guilt lessens, the revenge thinking lessens, the fear, anger, sadness, and the shame lessen. It's going to be OK kelly, this is a process and you're in control, even if it feels like you're not. Just remember that. This is all "normal" responses to abnormal parenting.