Oh, just thinking about starting this thread activates a couple more old tapes that play in my head. I'm feeling that pressure in me, a reluctance to start, that tells me I'm working on something crucial. So, here goes.....
Many of the members have shared their feelings here, past and present, about their own promiscuity and how it relates to voicelessness. I have read these posts with a great deal of interest because for me that was the path not taken. Most likely because that was one of the symptoms of voicelessness that my sister grabbed before I could grab it for myself!
In real life, people often tell me about their past. Most people, it seems, have a past. One time, a co-worker was talking about how she flirts with just about every man who is living and I told her I didn't understand how she could do that. And she said, "Well, you know how it is. You sleep with a guy you don't really like, and the next day you wake up and say to yourself, 'What was I thinking?'" And I said, "Yeah, I know what you mean." Then I realized what I had done, just agreed with her because I could imagine what that might be like. So I amended it and laughed and said, "Did you hear what I just said? I answered you like I had actually done that before!" She just kind of looked at me while I laughed about that. I don't know if she thought I was mocking her or not. She's the type to forget about things right away, though. So, I didn't dwell on her possible reaction for more than a moment. Instead, I went ahead and played my old tape to myself, "Nobody else ever wanted me anyway."
Now, as far as I knew, until just recently, it was quite true. Besides my husband and one boy in high school who asked me out twice, nobody else ever wanted me. All the evidence pointed to this explanation for why I never had a boyfriend of any kind until I was 17. And I am married to him. And I have never successfully cheated either, even though I tried to twice. Promiscuity gone terribly wrong. The story of my life.
And yes, I have read all your stories about this subject and I understand them in my brain. It is in my heart that I have the problem. I do understand what you are talking about when you mention shame, and that maybe it wasn't real love or real connection in many of these situations. I understand the pain that choosing the wrong person has caused in your lives and your children's lives. I understand that I may have avoided some tragic situations. Seeing it, understanding the logic of it is one thing. What is happening when I'm reading your stories, which causes me to not take them in all the way, is this: When I read the story, my first thought is, "At least somebody wanted you." My second thought is, "You are normal and have learned things about yourself, others, and relationships in the ways that other normal people do. You opened yourself up. You are a real person. I am not."
I think I understand Pinocchio better than I should.
A few years ago, a co-worker who was attracted to me, said,"Come on, Pennyplant, you must have a couple of skeletons in your closet, before your husband took you out of circulation. Come on!" I hated to disappoint him. So I said, "Well, maybe a couple, but I guess I'll leave them in the closet for you to imagine." But in reality, I just had a couple of not so interesting brushes with being human when I was 17 and that was about it.
I guess it is my mother who put the tape in there. "I had lots of boyfriends when I was your age (11), I wonder what is wrong with you."
Well, I wonder too. It is not normal to be so off-putting that not even some clueless guy throws himself at you.
Once in awhile a guy would call me when I was young. Not very often. And it never became anything. It was never a guy I was attracted to. I suppose most girls are willing to go on a date with a boy who is just a friend, just to have a date. That never even occurred to me. I wouldn't have known what to say or how to act and I would not have wanted to hurt someone's feelings. Though I bet I did hurt some feelings by my reactions to a couple of these boys who maybe were testing the waters. Or maybe they just wanted to be friends.
I do think that a major way of valuing women is by judging how attractive they are to men. It is only recently that I have learned men are attracted to me. The previous 40 years were something of a drought. My husband and my best friend tell me that if I wasn't married, there would be no questions about it. But I am married and always will be. So, I have to answer that question myself.
It comes back to the "Nobody else ever wanted me" tape. I told myself that. Well, mom did too. But that doesn't count. I have told myself that hundreds and hundreds of times. I compare myself, too:
Why does he want her--she's not slim and attractive?
How did she get so and so to do that for her, it's not like she's really going to sleep with him?
How come he liked me for awhile then forgot me?
This is somewhat related--in high school it came down to me through the grapevine that the popular kids were wondering why I wasn't popular. I seemed like I should be, but I wasn't. Why not?
When am I going to graduate high school in my heart? When will I be a real person? Maybe when I get that tape out of my head.
Today I thought for the first time, and really contemplated it, that maybe it wasn't that nobody wanted me. Maybe it was some other reason that caused things to work out the way they did. And not even the all purpose reason: "everything always turns out for the best." I know that I have a good life. I want to be satisfied with my life. What will settle this for me has to be some kind of real explanation for what happened and why it happened and that maybe it wasn't about me being unworthy.
I mean, men notice me now. And I'm not so different from the way I always looked and acted.
My sons have each had many girlfriends and friends. So, I can give birth to normal humans.
I think I was afraid to be open before. With good reason. So, people, guys, sensed that they should give me my distance. Perhaps they were afraid I would reject them. I really don't know. Does that seem like I'm anywhere near on the right track?