Hi Beth,
I think Friday night can be the loneliest night of the week...especially if you're missing someone.
Most people are very tired on Fridays. The weekend stretches ahead...
Whatever hurts us, whatever self-doubts...I think they're busier with us on Friday night.
True for me anyway.
I'm glad you said you are feeling lonely. And then look, several other people popped in and said they did too.
I figure we're all sitting in a circle painting all our toenails different colors, passing the polish. Little grunts when you have to grab a tootsie, or some are flexible like rubber bands. We can yawn and scratch our stomachs just like the guys do. Listen to a clock tick, toss a bunch of pillows on the floor...then somebody will start telling a story, and we'll put the lights out and light a few candles. Everybody's got a puffy quilt or a sleeping bag, and one by one, we all drift off...
A slumber party. Relaxing in the comfort and soft sounds of us all breathing our separate breaths, settling into the peace of sleeping friends.