Thank you for the re-post from Sam V. It gave me something to comment on

Hence his dismay when confronted with real people, their needs, feelings, preferences, and choices.
I can share this from the standpoint of the N in my life and also with a little illustration.
First the illustration:
Say you have built a robot and you know which buttons make it do what. You press blue for it to get you your slippers, press yellow for it to get your dinner, press green to have it fluff your pillow...you get the picture I'm sure...then...
one day, your robot seems to slightly malfunction. It begins deciding for itself what it wants to do when you press its buttons. You look at the robot in bewilderment, wondering how this machine has an abiility to operate without your manual manipulations.
You become frantic, worried...if this machine can function without you, it might turn on you. You begin trying to figure out ways to SHUT IT OFF.
Now, you see the terror that a Narcissist experiences. To them, we are nothing more than a machine that suddenly refuses to respond in the "programmed" way.
Ok, now back to reality (something N's know nothing about)...Jodi had me eating out of her hand for a long time, until the 2nd week into the 6 weeks I stayed with her. I began seeing how she treated her children and how she got what she wanted from her husband, by whining in a totally dissociative baby tone to him. I saw how things changed between her and me as soon as her mother walked through the door..."oh everything is just FINE Mom." (it wasn't fine at all, trust me).
I began to notice the family secrets, heard between the lines of her husband when he told me "oh yes, we are WATCHING you while you are here. THis is a ministry family and nothing had BETTER go past these walls or ELSE!" I learned it was dangerous and maybe deadly to talk about anything I felt or saw while I was there.
I, (Jody's robot) began to react to what was going on around me. I began feeling trapped, smothered, abused, mocked, mistreated and finally IGNORED (Silent treatment when she realized her robot was not responding to the buttons pushed, but instead was doing what it wanted)...
Jodi couldn't handle this, and could not lash out at me because it would eat her up with guilt (another thing N's cannot handle is feeling BLAME for something they did). So, Jodi became silent other than to her husband and children. I was ignored while she hugged her children in front of me and her husband, while she talked TO them and AT me, while she went places and left me behind except when the guilt of doing that got to be too much for her.
This robot finally DID rise up and get in her face! The N response was "I never meant to hurt you like this. You don't understand how awful it's been for me. I just was in shock when I finally saw you as you are. I don't like you at all...in fact I can't STAND you!"
I calmly said "ok, now we are getting somewhere! I'd rather have you tell me your feelings than say nothing!" Then she said "yeah but I don't like to hurt you. I can't sleep at night when I do that."
See? subtly the N tells you that the reason they do not like knowing they hurt someone, is NOT because of it WOUNDING YOU, but because SHE COULD NOT SLEEP AT NIGHT DUE TO GUILT THAT SHE RIGHTLY DESERVED!
My point in all this is, when the robot rises and gets in the N's face, they realize "they created a self-fulfilling prophecy of a MONSTER!"