Author Topic: What my day was like  (Read 2619 times)


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What my day was like
« on: November 13, 2006, 09:29:25 PM »
In my dream before waking today for work, two images stand out.  The one was my husband was jealous because a male co-worker had called me.  So, my husband turned off my alarm so that I woke up one hour late--woke up at the time I was supposed to be at work.  He had a very stubborn look on his face when I found out what he did.  The other dream image was me feeling labor pains and shifting around to get more comfortable, thinking it would hurt less if I was sitting the way I do for yoga.  Then I felt my stomach and realized it was too small to be ready to give birth.  And then I realized with sadness that I hadn't actually felt "life" yet, hadn't felt anybody kicking around in there.  So, I wouldn't be giving birth afterall.  The day before, I dreamed of a little baby that stood up and danced to the music in a very cute way.  Am I getting ready to bring myself to life soon?  That's what I think these dreams mean.  The one about my husband--we are working very hard on things ever since the "incident" two weeks ago.  I'm going to have to be ready to accept his real emotions once he learns what they are and how to feel them and express them.

Work was hard.  Lots of work to do and I had to stay later than expected so I didn't get to eat lunch.  Only had a pear for my short break during seven and a half hours of physical work.  I made sure to take a break because my least favorite co-worker was getting on my nerves and I didn't want to have to do a particular duty with her and needed to gather my thoughts about how to handle it.  I figured it out by the time my pear was gone and felt pretty good about how it turned out.  But still, a hard, heavy, long day.  And at the end of it, one of my other co-workers came back from his lunch and was so happy that we had everything all cleaned up and done rather than chores waiting for him as usual.  He is pretty lazy and this day was the lazy man's dream come true.  In fact, he was so happy, he even thought of more work I could do.  So, that was my signal to find a graceful way to leave for the day.  And I did.

Feeling sad because my supervisor got the promotion she has wanted for a very long time.  She will be leaving to go run the office I visited frequently this summer with the idea of learning more about the N-co-worker (who works there).  It is a complicated relationship with her.  Even though she kind of set up things with me and N, and all the rest of it, yet I will miss her because I have learned a lot from her.  I think she has learned some things from me.  This weekend we worked together two full days.  It is bittersweet for both of us.  And I feel so odd about so much of it.  She is something of a mother type with everyone she knows.  Her mother was absent emotionally, and is absent for real now, deceased.  B took over the mother role early in life.  It is part of who she is, sometimes in a bad way, but now I see it has some goodness in it.

My mother was absent emotionally, too.  But I am still a child in many ways.  So, B, I now realize, actually gave me something, in a way, that I never had and I will miss it more than I realized.  This is a real loss.  And it serves to dredge up the old losses too.  I think that must be a good thing for my insides.  But it doesn't feel so great.

Came home from work and collapsed with fatigue.  I did make myself eat first.  And checked out my email.  Checked out this place.  I do that many times a day even if I don't post.  Then collapsed on the couch with a cat anchoring the afghan and keeping my back warm.  Sometimes I have three cats napping with me.  Today just the one, Hobbes.

Because of the unexpected way my day went, I didn't meet my goals today.  Was going to grocery shop, cook dinner for the first time in a while, do some genealogy for someone who sent me a request, stuff like that.  When I finally got up from the couch, I checked my email again and my husband had sent one saying he was leaving for home and would go get groceries after "dinner".  Oh no!  He really thought I was going to cook tonight!  Oh man, I better at least try to start something.  Come on, what is this pressure?  I should just live alone, I thought.

I made macaroni and cheese, Kraft Dinner.  Didn't have enough ingredients for the tuna cassarole I had imagined making.  Peeled some potatoes, carrots, parsnips, rutabaga, sliced radishes and onions for a "Root Vegetable Medley" I said I would make for us to eat all week.  It took a lot of peeling before I felt like I was on an even keel again.

While I was peeling I thought of my supervisor again, the one who is leaving, who thinks of herself as Earth Mother, loves to cook and feed her family and granddaughter.  And I thought, I like to cook because it is creative.  I like to cook by myself.  The feeding others part of it is secondary.  Important, but not the real reason I enjoy it.  I crave the creativity part of it.

That must be what's wrong with my life, I thought.  There needs to be a way for me to make room for my creative side.  The part of me that solves creative problems and puts things together and expresses myself three dimentionally.  That is the main challenge in my life that, if I meet it, might actually make me feel fulfilled.

I thought of lots of things while I peeled and chopped.  The "Medley" came out looking very pretty.  We will eat on it for a few days.

My husband said he was not disappointed with having only Kraft Dinner.  I asked him, is this like when the new wife makes her first meal after the honeymoon and she burns it and her husband gags it down anyway and says, honey, this is the most delicious meal I have ever had?  He laughed and said no, I just want Kraft Dinner.  Then he found some hot dogs I had missed.  I didn't want one and he did so he made it and I peeled an orange and that was supper.

Spiked-hair son came downstairs while we were cooking and talked for awhile and then took himself shopping.  I love talking to him.  It is so easy compared with NYC son.  But he's okay, too.

After "dinner" we went to the grocery store and got our free turkeys to put in our new freezer (the one my mother "made" me take even though I told her I didn't want it).  Actually we were almost to the store when my husband remembered we forgot the coupons.  I said, let's turn around and get them, otherwise we'll never remember to get the turkeys.  Every holiday we forget the coupons and don't get our free turkeys and this time, I thought, just go back and do it right.  No big deal.  Also, we had forgotten the grocery list too.  It is funny to see that in letting go of my hypervigilance learned in childhood, I am actually a very forgetful, absent-minded person.  I will have to teach myself other ways to remember important things without becoming hypervigilant again.  I never want to be that way again.  List-making, I suppose.  If I remember to make the list....

These are just the highlights.  What did you guys do today?  Did any of it make you think of the past or how you have changed since coming here?  Or was it just a nice slice of life?  Sad?  Glad? Maddening?  I'm so nosy :mrgreen:!  But I already knew that about myself!  Must be one of my core values.....

"We all shine on, like the moon, and the stars, and the sun."
John Lennon

Gaining Strength

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Re: What my day was like
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2006, 09:38:07 PM »
I only have a minute - but I LOVED reading about your day.  Even with the
struggles, it really sounded nice - especially the part about  heading to the
store, remembering the coupons,  going back to get them.  It sounds
as though you are really a family - working together, kind to one another.
It sounds wonderful to me.  Thank you so much for sharing. - Gaining Strength


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Re: What my day was like
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2006, 09:44:46 PM »
You're welcome, GS.  You know, I almost never talk about myself.   One thing is, usually people don't ask.  They are busy telling me about their day.  I like it when people take turns with that kind of thing.  But lots of people, the ones I know anyway, take their turn but don't give anybody else a turn.  Plus, I worry about being boring.  It's a struggle to know how and what to share about myself.

"We all shine on, like the moon, and the stars, and the sun."
John Lennon


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Re: What my day was like
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2006, 09:56:04 PM »
Hi PP,
I thank you too, loved hearing the ins and outs of your day, so many layers. Root PP medley...

I had a rough one. Mom's bday involved extra fussing over her that's very wearying. She really is disoriented these days and asked me about a dozen times what her age is...guessing from 42 to 56. She also said in the car on the way home, your father died at 59, didn't he? (It was 86.)  :(

The other part is that my disability claim is being blocked by the university because the department told them my position would have lapsed anyway so the disability coverage doesn't count any more.

I have a day or two to think about it and get back to them. It's a huge difference in my lifetime income, so it's depressing to think that's gone. And it will force me back out to find work and I have lost faith I can find something to do that won't be physically debilitating.

I don't know whether to get a lawyer and fight with them or just take it. And plan on poverty. So the whole security I had felt for a few sweet weeks is evaporating.


"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: What my day was like
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2006, 09:57:36 PM »
oh thanks for sharing that PP, I could imagine being right there in your office and kitchen!
You express yourself so lucidly, and have come to that place of self-acceptance and self-knowledge....yes, a great slice of your life!

Did any of it make you think of the past or how you have changed since coming here?

It made me think how much so many of us have changed and grown and broken out of old patterns and old's really good to think that change is not only possible it makes us stronger and happier!

My day:

taught kindergarten, allocated the parts for the play I wrote, an inter-generational project with a senior group.

Went on to direct that senior group, we're putting on an interfaith Thanksgiving Service this Thursday first.

Had a chat with the boss I quarrelled with, everything's fine there. We both apologised and hugged, and it was clear my colleagues there want me to stick around. The choir sounded good.

Came home and picked my son from school, he went to a friend's to play. Went to get my car, final bill $1500 plus the tax and insurance on the hire car $90. Was anxious about that, talked to ex who pointed out I'll be fine financially and who offered to help with my bills if I ever get stuck! We went grocery shopping together, I spent $7 on some fruit and headbands for the childrens' angel costumes for the play. He bought me some Carnation flowers, the white ones smell so good.

Walked the dog, leaned against my son for a big hug; he showed me his latest school photo, he looks more and more like a man. Very handsome. He's staying with me Saturday.

Just chopped onions for more pasta sauce, ate a kiwi fruit and some nuts, worked through lunch. Going to empty a couple of boxes now, later I'll go to the gym and swim for a while.

Like you pp- thoughtfully wrapping up the days events. Things are ok. Life is good.


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Re: What my day was like
« Reply #5 on: November 13, 2006, 10:13:40 PM »
Hmmm, Hopsy.  Actually, your position didn't lapse.  It sounded like that particular source of funding lapsed.  They replaced you with someone else, though, didn't they?  Work is still being done there but by someone else.  Of course, I know nothing about the ins and outs of disability and worker's comp.  Where I work, they pretty much change the rules as the times change and they find they can get away with it.  Where I work, used to be, injured workers kept working light duty for the rest of their careers.  That suddenly changed this year because now they, the powers that be, want Social Security or somebody else to pay these people.

With your situation, your back affects your work wherever that is, not just at the university.  I don't get it.  I sure hope you can find a loophole or something.  It is certainly unfair.

And how sad that your mother can no longer remember properly.  It must give you a lot to think about on so many levels.


"We all shine on, like the moon, and the stars, and the sun."
John Lennon


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Re: What my day was like
« Reply #6 on: November 13, 2006, 10:22:14 PM »
WRITE, I can easily picture your day and what a cool one it was!  And I also think, what a lot of energy you must have to go about and deal with so many people, so many kinds of people, all ages, all interests, all stations in life, and all people who know you and hear your music and your talents and participate in those talents with you.  Just an amazing day.  And you do that every day, or at least every week.  No wonder your colleagues made the effort to keep you.  Mutuality in action.  That's what I strive for.  Maybe someday!!!

This is great to hear about our parallel moments in time in the different places that are home for each of us.  We got up, did our best, saw and learned things.  Gave things to others. Shared.

If anybody wants to share what their day is like tomorrow or the next day or a day that comes along next week, that would be really neat I think.

"We all shine on, like the moon, and the stars, and the sun."
John Lennon


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Re: What my day was like
« Reply #7 on: November 13, 2006, 10:58:47 PM »
Hi Hops,

how often your and my life go in parallel...

I thought about poverty earlier, and I have to acknowledge my best talent- creative writing- I have made little effort to earn a living from, barely tried really.

So I guess I will try that, it seems like the universe is trying to pull me away from all the excuses.

I have enough to manage on though. Do you? Can you manage week to week?

I don't mind poverty too much, I try to give away as much work as I charge for then I feel justified in asking for the projects I want and it really does repay in terms of connections and favours.

Sorry about your mother's confusion Hops, must make you sad too.

Also glad you spent this time as a selfless carer despite your history.

the whole security I had felt for a few sweet weeks is evaporating.

I don't know, your security in your health came back, and your confidence and energy.

Maybe that's what you're meant to have, not money?



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Re: What my day was like
« Reply #8 on: November 14, 2006, 12:23:35 AM »
Thanks much, Write.
Yes, I'll be okay week to week. I have some debt but will also (I think) have unemployment for about six months. If I yank the belt tight I should be able to pay it off before that runs out.

After that, well, my housing is paid for while Mom is alive. After that, I have to take over a monthly mortgage payment. She may leave me enough to pay ahead for a little while, but at some point I'll have to be working again.

I think I'll keep taking it one day at a time. Just too much of a roller coaster to take it all on any more.

Wearily, but not on the street so grateful,

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: What my day was like
« Reply #9 on: November 14, 2006, 02:35:05 AM »
Dear PennyPlant,

   That's what I think these dreams mean.

My husband said he was not disappointed with having only Kraft Dinner. I asked him, is this like when the new wife makes her first meal after the honeymoon and she burns it and her husband gags it down anyway and says, honey, this is the most delicious meal I have ever had?

Spiked-hair son came downstairs while we were cooking and talked for awhile and then took himself shopping. I love talking to him.

These are just the highlights. What did you guys do today? Did any of it make you think of the past or how you have changed since coming here? Or was it just a nice slice of life? Sad? Glad? Maddening? I'm so nosy :mrgreen:! But I already knew that about myself! Must be one of my core values.....


I will tell of a new day  that has come along for me.Also I must say PP as you read remember words are not my media.I woke up almost in the same manner as you .
Mr. Moon let me and little moonlet sleep in our little one had a sore throat and she did not go to school so  we got to sleep in.
I do not get the chance to dream in full and awaken on my own.
My dream was of one that I love so dearly who needs me and who I was holding in my arms.
For some reason in the dream he let me hold him tenderly in my dream ,a loved one Mr. Moon and I love most dearly.
When I awoke Mr moon was gone all ready at work.Our little one asleep so I let her sleep.

I did chores and received an important phone call that I do believe was a kind and sincere exchange .
I took care of little moonlet and then got a call from our oldest d and she said can we come over .
(She wanted to bring her fella they have known each other for 5 years)
and he has been over a lot and he likes Mr Moon and I  and little moonlet.
I said sure ,they came over to hang out.

The way they stood holding on to each other with the sweet  love of youth the delight in their eyes and they have found home in each other .
I tried so hard just to make it a visit but their love was so beautiful all they did was laugh and look at each other and smile.
My d's fella wanted to know if I could cut his hair and I did and while cutting his hair we laughed some more , made jokes and teased .

I told him he was so wise to be in love and we then turned and laughed together .
While giving fella haircut they looked at each other and joked and spoke with the license only the young and beautiful can have .

They asked me " who is better looking is it me" (ONLY HALF TEASING) and as each asked me this question clearly they both knew their own answer
and  laughed with the joy of youth and  physical beauty and form  .

They looked at me silently they knew I saw the safety and sweetness they have found .
My oldest moonlet made dinner for her guy and laughed more. 
Mr moon came home I had been making dinner which was a little over cooked but Mr moon did not even say a thing about it.

Mr.Moon talked around with  fella as he is a "gear head" Mr moon and fella are both "gear heads" and talk the same talk. (mr moon's go fast mustang)
Fella and Mr. Moon shook hands ( Mr. Moon has quite a handshake)
but I saw the same hand shake given back by fella as to say a kinda respect between these guys and a kinda look like we both love her  look.

And my d and her fella got into their car and drove off.........

(This time last year my oldest d was facing such trauma and conquered it with much grace)

After they left I felt the happiness my d has now .
Today was important day but if one was not looking close enough you would just say it was a regular day.

« Last Edit: November 14, 2006, 07:03:01 AM by moonlight »


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Re: What my day was like
« Reply #10 on: November 14, 2006, 08:54:18 AM »
at some point I'll have to be working again.

but not now.

You are right- just stay in the moment and get recovered from all the previous work stress and trauma. A solution will present itself when you need it.

You'd make a good UU minister....

The way they stood holding on to each other with the sweet  love of youth the delight in their eyes and they have found home in each other .
I tried so hard just to make it a visit but their love was so beautiful all they did was laugh and look at each other and smile.

that's so lovely.

After they left I felt the happiness my d has now .

Today was important day but if one was not looking close enough you would just say it was a regular day.

There's a poem in that Moon.


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Re: What my day was like
« Reply #11 on: November 14, 2006, 03:55:56 PM »
Moon, I can't help but think, maybe older moonlet has found "the one".  It seems like a deep connection between her and her fella.  Practically a perfect day, don't you think?

Hopsy, yes, it is something of a waiting game now.  I think that is a hard place to be.  Something is out there, but what is it going to be?  It might be the thing you least expect.  Just taking care of yourself for now can't be a bad thing, though.  Time is precious and now you have some.  Five years ago, when I was unemployed for four months, I worried during that time.  I tried not to but I did.  And the worry didn't help a thing.  I look back on that time now and think what a gift it was to sleep and think and putter around.  In my journal it becomes obvious after several weeks that I had gotten back on track emotionally during that time.  Not as far as I have come now.  But in way better shape at the end of the four months compared to the beginning.  I really needed that break in the action.  I hope this break in the action for you serves a purpose.  I hope some good can come of it.

Love, Pennyplant
"We all shine on, like the moon, and the stars, and the sun."
John Lennon


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Re: What my day was like
« Reply #12 on: November 14, 2006, 10:14:54 PM »
thanks, Penny.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: What my day was like
« Reply #13 on: November 14, 2006, 11:43:00 PM »
hi all,

thanks for sharing your day, each of you - your anxieties and highs and lows.  that is a gift to give and it's calming to read the ups and downs.

I'm exhausted else I'd comment more.  Goodnight



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Re: What my day was like
« Reply #14 on: November 14, 2006, 11:50:24 PM »
The thing is, PP...
If I decide to fight for myself re. the disability claim, then there is no break in the action.

I have to dive right back into the toxic job, digging out emails, reliving it all for a lawyer...

I am so uncertain about what to do.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."