I'm on board with asking for help with decluttering spaces, Hops. YAY for you! It's easy for organized souls to walk, sans any personal attachment to our stuff, take things out of our hands, make piles and carry them off. I find they move so quickly, it overrides almost all the angsty pain of making decisions and letting go. The clean clear spaces left behind feel like sunshine after years of winter, IME.
It's interesting to relax into being very kind to self and ask what's behind it, but..... I don't really need to know why my brain is broken in this way, truth be told. It just is.
The problem then become..... how to notice when the patterns creep back in, wrestle them to the ground and banish them with systems......
paper flow baskets one keeps up with, something comes in, something must go out, etc. That kind of thing.
I'm so happty to read you're finding joy in clear clean bedrooms spaces this holiday, ((Hops.))