Author Topic: My Story - a long one part 1  (Read 2677 times)


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Re: My Story - a long one part 1
« Reply #15 on: February 03, 2007, 11:20:25 AM »

You are a sweetie pie.  Always miss if you are not around.  I shudder when I think of the big house.  It really is in the middle of nowhere.  The only person who calls is the post man.  XN was terrible to leave his d down there with haf demented xwife.  Me I have my lovely small home, with stunning views, open door, friends calling, good (well mostly good) neighbours, easy place to live. 

I just think it was insane that he wanted me up there where I knew nobody rattling around the mausoleum (sic) but of course it was all about control and isolation.  I love company, really enjoy human contact so I would have died up there.




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Re: My Story - a long one part 1
« Reply #16 on: February 03, 2007, 11:37:10 AM »

Your right. ,  Your words make real sense to me. what a crazy bastard.
That is exactly what he is.
I think axa if they would of showed their true selves right from the very beginning, you head would of spun, your eyes would of popped out and you would of burnt the rubber off your shoes getting out the door.  But they don’t axa. They know how to work it.  It’s their job it’s there life.  They live to do what they do. 
You get in so deep that you don’t know what’s up or what’s down.   They make us think we are crazy.  They keep us so confused.  That is what they want.  If we were to get our wits about us, we would blow the door off even before we turned the doorknob trying to get out.
You did Axa you blew that door off and your out. 
Hon, your on the outside now where it is safe.  Now you can take a look back in and see with a clear mind what was really going on without being a part of it. 
That is why you feel sick.  You are seeing it clearly. 
He was so hurt and thinks your mean to punish him.
Yeah axa ofcourse he would say and think that.  He is mad that you are getting healthy and seeing him for who he really is and what kind of mess you got into.
His words were manipulation.  That is all.
I’m very glad you are out.
Take it from me who has been there done that.
Talking and thinking about him and how it makes you sick will pass also.
It’s part of the healing process.
Eventually you will be able to talk about it with no emotion.  It will be beyond you with out pain, without shame or guilt and it will be just a story.  It will just be a learning experience that you will never forget. 

Love Deb