Thank you CB, daylily, Beth and Stormchild.I caught your edit,
CB, and yes this is gross! As mentioned in my previous post, I was diagnosed with AvPd and I have been very introspective. This incident appeared to be the only one that 'bothered" me and for you
daylily, as well, enough that I felt the need to address it. This is the first time. Indeed it was
releasing just to write my email to her. I sensed she might ignore it, so I emailed a 'prompt' after 2 weeks, about how
toxic the memory is to me.
This, then, was her response and it is more or less what I expected. (I realize that appears that I provoked her, but that was not the case. At the time, I tended to think she might just respond just about the event.) I see that she has not changed at all with her phony Christianity. In trying to help myself in the present, and lay to rest the past, this event was one of, on her part, betrayal, assumption re my character, lies, misplaced blame, and now I know that no matter what else might come to mind about her,
she is toxic. It was manipulative and motive-driven. Since she can ignore the event itself, tells me she does not want to talk about it specifically, so she generalized very venomously.
I'm not suggesting that you "forget about it." You can't, because it's part of you. So what do you do? In my own experience, you let the dead be dead. And I think that works metaphorically as well as literally. My sister needs to reliaze this, and to realize as well
she's reluctant to try to understand the long-term effect this event had on Thank you for you effective post.
no Beth,I do not feel Avoidant at present. I had holed myself up alone to examine my life, and that solitude rubbed off on me, as well as telliing myself, that there were parts of my life I never wanted to admit, so I couldn't have a best friend. Then I went to the 'shrink' for a diagnosis. & completed the form as would an Avoidant. I might be on the 'loner' side as I require peace and quiet to do the accounting effectively.,,,,, so I bring it home. I live alone, so this can get screwy. (It's like living alone and you take a drink. That means you are drinking alone.....but a different spin than AA people)
Right StormchildActions speak louder than words. Thank you for your comments re this Tizzie Lizzie story. I could write her again and tell her she stole my doll one Christmas,
63 years ago. She didn't ask for a doll and I did. She was on the stairs ahead of me (We were likely about 4 and 6) and I saw her take a doll from one pile and put it on another pile. (Parents never wrapped presents...just made a pile for each of us with a name on it.) I looked and saw my name on that my pile without the doll...I looked up at mom and said something about no doll. She was looking at my this siter with a "
what do I do now?" face and nothing was done. Now I was pretty young but that's my perception.
CB again
There may actually be a lot more psychological truth to what you write than you would ever get from your sister. THAT was profound. And trueI thought so too. I remember the event so clearly, except for the extended time at the dance hall with milling people, some we knew a a lot not.
What she does is her own business, as long as she doesn't drag me in to her shenanigans. I put that in the present tense, but I wish I had 'known' that 40 years ago and wish I had been assertive enought to say "No" and stick to it. She talked me out of my "No".
I have always been one who wanted answers, and even though this ended up in a foul-mouthed mess, I have an answer.
Hugs all