your post was BRILLIANT! It was short, to the point and very picturesque too!
My husband does the same thing you said yours does, and you handle it the same way I do. This helps to know that someone else "calls them" on their crud

The main thing with N's is they always seem to notice the flaws in others but NOOOOOOOOO NEVER themselves! They cannot allow that image of who they THINK they are, be tarnished, or their cover will be BLOWN! can't have no no.
My husband grew up being told he was the GOOD BOY, cause he was a caretaker of his mother and sister. His brothers got into alcohol and drugs, but NOOOOOOOO not him...he was the MORAL one, the GOOD one, the RESPONSIBLE one.
As a result, he grew up with a VERY INFLATED image of himself and of anyone else who ADORED HIM or even people he doesn't know. When I did the online test for him, he turned out to be Narcissistic and Schizoid. He does have some WEIRD notions about life for sure.
To him, EVERYONE ADORES HIM. He finds it really hard to grasp that someone would NOT like him, but if they don't "oh well, that's THEIR problem." He sees pretty much everyone as if "oh, they aren't MEAN, they were just expressing an opinion!" A person could spit in his face, tell him to shove something up his $*&$&^* and go AWAY! and he would still totally say the behavior was NOT cruel and did NOT affect him and how SILLY OF ME to let it "get to me."
I usually feel very INVALIDATED when someone verbally attacks me and I go to my husband for help. He will NOT defend or protect me. He just tells me to leave the situation, ignore it, shake it off, etc. He was taught that if you ACT LIKE IT DIDN'T HAPPEN, then IT DIDN'T.
These kind of things really P me off! i've always been the "whistle-blower" on dysfunction. I was the one who told people my step father was abusive. I told people my husband's aunt was abusive. I told people my husband's father was abusive and a child molester, so for him to sit there and defend the cruelty of people in this world...well, I'm LIVID at times about it! He is SO deluded!
ok, I guess I've said enough here. Just my feelings coming out and I know I have a voice to express them here, so I did.