Author Topic: Prayers please  (Read 5441 times)


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Re: Prayers please
« Reply #15 on: May 31, 2007, 10:39:17 AM »
Website was acting up yesterday--was going to say I'm adding you and MIL to my prayers.

"We all shine on, like the moon, and the stars, and the sun."
John Lennon


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Re: Prayers please
« Reply #16 on: May 31, 2007, 10:56:00 AM »
Thankyou sooo much...Green, Ami, Izzy, Write, TT, OC (Kell), Hops, Patti, CB, Beth, Poet, Lighter, H&H, Sally, MS and Penny!

You've all brought tears to my eyes with your generous good wishes and prayers, thoughts, hugs, encouragement, good vibes, everything!   It's so soothing to hear all of your voices and I'm so grateful because I do believe in the power of prayer and of positive thought which you've all contributed so kindly to and which helps so much.  So truly thankyou from me and from our family.

So far, so good.  My mil is still very alert and lucid and the scan showed there is no current bleed in the brain (which is wonderful news!).  She still can't move her left side at all but we're all hoping that will change soon.  She's only 67 and yes......she is a wonderful person, a gift, and a treasure.  Please continue to think of her/offer a prayer when you can.

I feel bad as I haven't read here for awhile and have to rush off, can't contribute... but I'll take the time, once things settle down, asap.  Thankyou all sincerely for your kindness and support.



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Re: Prayers please
« Reply #17 on: May 31, 2007, 11:36:17 AM »
Oh Sela, Your MIL's only 67 yo.  She's still so young.  I'm praying she recovers as best she can and shares many more years of being loved and loving you. 


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Re: Prayers please
« Reply #18 on: May 31, 2007, 11:55:27 AM »

I'm sorry. I will send prayers, vibes all her way.  Don't give up hope.  Stand strong.  My dad had the same thing and after lots of therapy the only thing he was left with was a slight limp. 
Thinking of you all.



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Re: Prayers please
« Reply #19 on: June 08, 2007, 11:16:01 AM »
Thankyou Lighter and Deb:  (and all who are still praying, etc, for my mil).

I so appreciate you're help.

Yes, she's only 67 and a fiesty 67 at that.  I think she's gonna be ok.  She can move the fingers on her left hand and make a fist now and the other day, when she wasn't looking, I grabbed her big toe on her left foot and asked her what I was doing.  She said:  "You're touching my toe".  All good stuff.  And she continues to be alert and lucid.

It will be  long hall, I have a feeling, but I'm confident she will get her function back!  I sure want her to!

Thanks again all!



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Re: Prayers please
« Reply #20 on: June 08, 2007, 11:25:38 AM »
Yay Yay!  I've been thinking about you and hoping things were going OK.  No news is good news and all that.

Sending more good vibes your way.

(((Sela and MIL)))


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Re: Prayers please
« Reply #21 on: June 09, 2007, 03:59:43 AM »
Sending an angel to sit with your mother in law Sela.....

Please take care of yourself too

Spyralle xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


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Re: Prayers please
« Reply #22 on: June 09, 2007, 08:00:28 AM »
Jesus, take care of Sela's MIL.  Heal her.  Give the doctors wisdom.  Wrap your loving arms around her and protect her in that hospital.  Thank you Jesus....AMEN!


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Re: Prayers please
« Reply #23 on: June 09, 2007, 08:08:49 AM »
Jesus, take care of Sela's MIL.  Heal her.  Give the doctors wisdom.  Wrap your loving arms around her and protect her in that hospital.  Thank you Jesus....AMEN!

Oh my, lol.  I know I'm a little shellshocked when I have to start reading this post over 3 times before I realize you're literally talking to Jesus, Green, lol. 

I was wondering who you were telling to take care of Sela's MIL with such frustration, lol.  Oops.  Lovely post, btw.  Once I figured it out; )


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Re: Prayers please
« Reply #24 on: June 09, 2007, 08:28:03 AM »
Dear Sela,
 I am praying for your mother in law and you. I want to send you both a big,big hug.I am so sorry that you are going through this. MIL must be VERY special for you to think of her as a mother. What a gift that you both have in each other. May God's grace give you peace in your hearts and souls
                                                                                           Love to You Both Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
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Re: Prayers please
« Reply #25 on: June 13, 2007, 03:05:07 PM »
Thankyou so much whoever is still praying etc for my mil.

Oh Lighter!  I cheer when I see every little improvement!  Yesterday, she was sitting in a wheel chair when I went in to see her and that was a biggie!  "Soon we can take you outside to the park across the road!" I said as soon as I saw her.  She looks pale but very happy to doing some "normal" stuff, like sitting!

Spy!  Thankyou for sending an Angel!  So has been protected from any further bleeds which is imperative to her improvement!!

Same to you Camper!!  Thankyou!  It's all helping!!  She is getting better, a little at a time!  I'm just so glad that her mind seems fully there and has not faltered!   She's determined too!!

And thankyou for that hug Ami!  It felt good!!  My mother in law is a special person who has been there for me since the day I met her.  She does so much for other people and does not deserve to suffer but is stoic and not the least bit a victim!  She will get her function back if it is at all possible!

Thankyou all again.  Just thought I should give an update.  Mil going to rehab today and that's another plus.  It means she's stable and ready to start the real work!



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Re: Prayers please
« Reply #26 on: June 13, 2007, 05:45:06 PM »
As an agnostic I never know if my prayers are going anywhere,
but I sent your MIL some very well-intentioned UU vibrations.

(((((Sela, MIL))))

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Prayers please
« Reply #27 on: July 16, 2008, 12:34:58 PM »
Hi all,

Well, it's been a long hall but I thought I'd like to share an update on how my mil is doing.  I read this thread and remember how I felt at the time and .......

wow!!  Life is amazing!!

My mil has regained most of her function back.  She is walking with a cane now (uses a walker sometimes, eg. when planning a long walk through the mall).  She's driving her car again!!  And basically independant in most respects.

She has sold her big 2 story house and has purchased a lovely senior oriented condo which is close to our house (hubby and I) and within walking distance of stores, movies, restaurants, you name it!!  They have everything one could want there.....from a spa, library, hair dresser, excercise rooms, games and social room, etc and all sorts of activities geared to getting people out enjoying their life and the world!  All right inside her building!!

I am so glad she is doing so well and happy to see her moving out on her own (which will be in about a month).  I admit, I will also be glad to have my home back to myself although I know I will miss her too.

I do think it is for the best for her to live in her own place and have her own life.  She's still young...only 70.

I just wanted to thank you more time.....for all of your prayers and thoughts and vibes and every good wish you all sent our way.  I really believe you have helped and I wish I could repay you somehow.

The most beautiful thing is the magic of this collective effort and I just want to ask God or the good forces you trust to bless you today.

Thankyou all so much!!

I am so happy for mil!!  :D :D



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Re: Prayers please
« Reply #28 on: July 16, 2008, 01:09:42 PM »
Sela, I will most definitely keep you and your mother-in-law and all of your family in my prayers

What a blessing to have a mother-in-law whom you feel so close to! How wonderful.

I've seen a lot of full recoveries from stroke. I also read about them daily in the work that I do. Doctors are getting better and better at treating them all the time.

Be well. You're surrounded by love and prayers.



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Re: Prayers please
« Reply #29 on: July 16, 2008, 01:20:34 PM »

Such joyous news, Sela

I would be honored to remember your dear MIL in my prayers, and yourself also,

for many joyful years ahead, for all your family.

Love & blessings,

« Last Edit: July 16, 2008, 01:23:23 PM by LeahsRainbow »
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