M was delivered to my doorstep on Friday afternoon. As she was leaving, my mother says, "I'm really worried about him going into these bathrooms. Those predators hide in the stalls and wait for kids to come in alone. You need to talk to M about this and tell him what to do. You don't know who he's going to be with at this camp, and you know there's priests who molest kids."
The urge to roll my eyes was ridiculous. I didn't. "I have had this talk with M before."
"Well, I think you need to have it again. He's different and everyone who meets him knows that."
"All right."
She leaves, so I decide we'd have a quick refresher talk. M and I are making cookies, and I decide that was a good enough time, so we have the talk again about good touches and bad touches. Although this time I get to add a little more about future dating and meeting a boy or girl M might want to be with. About ten minutes of this is all he'll handle, and I never approach topics like this, so I dropped it. I think I got the point across. I can't tell.
I find myself really stressed out over having M back with me after him not being there for a couple of days. In fact, I can't relax. Friday night, I just lost it. After he'd been talking and messing and bugging the dog for hours, I just let out a frustrated "arrgh." M slunk off to his room, and we had to have another talk about how I was just stressed and needed to blow off steam. Things were okay after that.
Saturday, he made sure to get up before dawn. And then he decided I needed to get up before dawn too, and pestered me until I got up too. He did make me breakfast in bed. Although I really didn't want cereal, but I ate it like it was the best thing I'd ever had. I was cranky because I hadn't slept well, and I had not been at all ready to get up.
He spent all day trying to, "Cheer me up." Even though I told him I didn't need to be cheered up. This made me feel even guiltier, espeically when I'm irritated because every chance he gets he's absorbed in television. He won't do anything but watch TV, in fact. Last I told him to do something, anything but watch TV. I keep trying to get him interested in something else, but all he wants is to watch TV. Arrgh.
I'm starting to think I'm a lousy parent because I can't seem to organize anything.
We went shopping for things for home. I bought him a new pair of swim shorts because his were almost too little, and a bunch of things for home. We went swimming later, and I was feeling alittle better that evening. He wasn't being quite so disrespectful.
Yesterday we had a pretty good day, although we had a fight over the TV. I told him the new rule was that he couldn't watch any more than two hours of TV a day. He slinked off to his room again. I told him to go clean his room while I was fixing dinner. It's still a mess. Tonight it's getting picked up.
This morning, he went off to camp, and he seemed reasonable excited. I've not had any phone calls, so I assume his day has gone all right. Time will tell I suppose.
I've not had much contact with my mom, but I know that when she's going to show up at my place, my stress levels go through the roof. I worked my behind off the night before M came home because I didn't want to be perceived as a slacker. Silly, huh?
I'm trying to make some goals for this week, so hopefully I won't be as frazzeled. That's rather how I feel at the moment, just at the end of my rope.