Here's what the Talk Test Invitation looks like (you've got to invite at least three people to be able to take the test.)
I'd be grateful if you could take part in a survey called the Talk Test to help me find out more about my characteristics as a face-to-face communicator. It will take you about 10-15 minutes to complete a questionnaire on the web. (There's a link to it at the end of this email.)
The purpose of the Talk Test is to help me discover what I'm like to have a conversation with. For example, how well do I listen? How clearly do I explain my ideas? Am I open-minded or dogmatic? Do my conversations sort things out or make them worse?
I have asked a number of people to complete the Talk Test survey in order for me to acquire an all-round picture of my communication style.
The results of the Talk Test will be presented to me in the form of a confidential feedback report on the web. Individual responses will remain anonymous at all times. I will see only the average of scores.
As well as asking you to assess my communication characteristics on a numerical scale, the Talk Test also provides you with the chance to submit written comments. Please take this opportunity to tell me which traits of my communication style you appreciate — and which traits you think could I could benefit from changing.
I'm sure you'll find the questionnaire fascinating to complete. Afterwards, you may decide that you also want to take the Talk Test and discover what other people think of you as a two-way communicator.
Thanks for your cooperation.