Thank you, Dear Write

Yes, son is doing well. He's keeping occupied with critters and games, and that helps... plus he's content with some new school-apparel and supplies we've gathered (munchies - granola bars, doritos... comfort food - lol). I think that I was on edge about that, because we waited longer than usual to shop for those things this year.
Feeling prepared seems to calm his nerves about such things (and mine!)... Scout training, you know

Whenever we have to travel a distance, he likes to have his kit-bag with pencils, papers, a few toys... preparedness seems to be key for him. Thursday afternoon we go to the mid-school open house to get his class schedule, locker assignment, etc. He's familiar with the school from his sisters' past attendance there, plus it's located directly across from his old elementary.
The schoolbus is the least favorite part... they both hate it - so loud and long and dusty. Living rural, they have anywhere from 1-2 hours ride each way, depending on the driver's route. I don't know how they get away without seatbelts, but at least the seat-backs are fairly high.
I drive them in every so often, just to give them a break from it, but with gas prices as they are and all the extra running for band and other activities, can't do that too often. All I can do is to regularly put worry aside (one of those "get thee behind me" deals) and trust that all will work together for good. Always has!
How beautiful that you were present when that lady opened her eyes... to receive the best that she has to give you.
The past is so elusive... just as it should be, I think.