Author Topic: Shakespearean Descriptions ( Perfect for NHs)  (Read 6572 times)


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Re: Shakespearean Descriptions ( Perfect for NHs)
« Reply #15 on: August 11, 2007, 12:54:42 PM »
Lighter, Hope, ToWrite-

Though I am not looking forward to seeing Mr. N.H. BagWorm again, I am not as terrified as I was, and laugh to myself whenever I try to create a soliloquy from your generous posts. I have had so much fun reading this!!!!

LIGHTER!!!!"Thy dank cavernous tooth-hole..." Absolutely true- divinely true, divinely inspired- you have shown me that I shouldn't pay that COBRA anymore as well for him! More money for me ( he has money , savings that he took from our account and out in a separate account in his name at the beginning of the year "to make more interest"). YOU ROCK!



Certain Hope

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Re: Shakespearean Descriptions ( Perfect for NHs)
« Reply #16 on: August 11, 2007, 01:15:55 PM »
Dear Changing,

Such a relief!
Within myself, over time... I've experienced the shift from blind terror, to desperate dread, to moderate fear, to... forgetfullness.

Fear can still be resurrected, but not with anything near the force it initially brought to bear on my soul.

Took me over two years to reframe the obvious fear-responses and now, although I'm still wading through the not so obvious, less conscious reactions, I know that the worst of it has passed.

As always, I'm so very happy for you... and hopeful... and expectant... and very, very glad that you will not consider yourself obliged to pay his bills, regardless of what he thinks about it.



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Re: Shakespearean Descriptions ( Perfect for NHs)
« Reply #17 on: August 12, 2007, 01:14:47 PM »

You aren't obligted to pay one more bill for that weak little manipulator. 

Let him pay his own bills...... the beach donkey he was driving into the ground.... is no more.

Spend your money on something wonderful for yourself and laugh, laugh, laugh...... you're in the zone: )

Lighter, Hope, ToWrite-

Though I am not looking forward to seeing Mr. N.H. BagWorm again, I am not as terrified as I was, and laugh to myself whenever I try to create a soliloquy from your generous posts. I have had so much fun reading this!!!!

LIGHTER!!!!"Thy dank cavernous tooth-hole..." Absolutely true- divinely true, divinely inspired- you have shown me that I shouldn't pay that COBRA anymore as well for him! More money for me ( he has money , savings that he took from our account and out in a separate account in his name at the beginning of the year "to make more interest"). YOU ROCK!




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Re: Shakespearean Descriptions ( Perfect for NHs)
« Reply #18 on: August 12, 2007, 02:06:29 PM »
BEACH DONKEY NO MORE!!! I didn't see the insanity of it (oh, I must pay for the COBRA- he took our money, but he won't pay for his medical and will lose it- I must save him from himself) until I read your first response about the COBRA (I am  thickheaded)- then through my tears of laughter I thought YES!!! I should throw the foul COBRA bill back in his face. When we were discussing it by phone, he was actually trying to make me apologize for mentioning it when I told him the bill was paid, he could see his shrink, get his medications, go to the M.D., etc. He didn't even thank me. HE'S THE BEACH DONKEY NOW!!!! I'm starting law school on Monday, and going right to the Student Law Center- I am going to get as much assistance as possible, go there every day, etc- Get everything filed and done and use it as a learning project, and have FUN!!!!!

Next time we speak of medical issues, I'm going to say: "A pox o' your throat, you bawling, blasphemous, uncharitable dog!"

Most Gratefully,



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Re: Shakespearean Descriptions ( Perfect for NHs)
« Reply #19 on: August 12, 2007, 09:48:12 PM »
next time you talk to him..... you'll get BEEEEEG points on the board for.....

saying nothing. 

Doing nothing.

Ignore him like you don't see or hear him.

Deny him any reaction from you.

Let him rant about his lack of responsibility.... though it may be difficult... nearly impossible with all these fancy pants responses available to you now, lol.

Let him blame and cry and try to guilt you back into the beach donkey posture.....

 he's so very sure you'll keep volunteering for it anyway, lol. 

Then come and tell us all about it :D

He'll  be mortified and desolate.... and without benefits if he keeps screwing around :shock:

'Oh cheap deceiver.... lacking in manly detail..... go to thy little perch in hell.... and leave me in my newfound joy'

Uhhhh.... I mean...

::silence.... blink blink...... more silence::

It's really going to be very difficult to remain quiet, huh, lol?!?!?

Certain Hope

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Re: Shakespearean Descriptions ( Perfect for NHs)
« Reply #20 on: August 12, 2007, 09:54:09 PM »

o yes, very difficult!



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Re: Shakespearean Descriptions ( Perfect for NHs)
« Reply #21 on: August 12, 2007, 09:58:27 PM »
My Darlings Lighter and Certain Hope-

OK, OK, I'll keep my mouth shut- but I'll be laughing to myself!!!

Love you guys and thank you for guiding me!



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Re: Shakespearean Descriptions ( Perfect for NHs)
« Reply #22 on: August 12, 2007, 11:42:07 PM »
Even a beach donkey
can kick sand in a bully's face...


"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Shakespearean Descriptions ( Perfect for NHs)
« Reply #23 on: August 13, 2007, 10:14:26 AM »
Hops.... is being quiiet sort'a like kicking sand?

Kind'a sort'a? 

I keep wanting Changing to say to her simpering little unemployed tyrant.....

'contact my attorney and bother me no more.'

Esp iif she doesn't have an attorney yet, cause he moved and didn't give her his forwarding address.

Something so satisfying about the Beach Donkey giving back just a little of what they've been carrying for so long, ya know?

Certain Hope

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Re: Shakespearean Descriptions ( Perfect for NHs)
« Reply #24 on: August 13, 2007, 11:30:30 AM »
Ahhh... Dearest fair maiden Lighter,

Forsooth, thou canst not bestow upon yon horse's hiney a more befitting bequest
than to deprive said contemptible behemoth of thine most treasured yearnings.
Nary a jot doth pass his visage as he doth turn, foul swine, unclean,
with many a shifting twist,
and causeth thee great regret at thine lack of hushedness.
Surely thou wouldst be prudent to spare him naught
upon which to spin his wicked web.



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Re: Shakespearean Descriptions ( Perfect for NHs)
« Reply #25 on: August 13, 2007, 11:35:45 AM »
Ahhh... Dearest fair maiden Lighter,

Forsooth, thou canst not bestow upon yon horse's hiney a more befitting bequest
than to deprive said contemptible behemoth of thine most treasured yearnings.
Nary a jot doth pass his visage as he doth turn, foul swine, unclean,
with many a shifting twist,
and causeth thee great regret at thine lack of hushedness.
Surely thou wouldst be prudent to spare him naught
upon which to spin his wicked web.


Ummmm.... so you're saying be quiet, lol? 

Certain Hope

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Re: Shakespearean Descriptions ( Perfect for NHs)
« Reply #26 on: August 13, 2007, 11:41:53 AM »

Ummmm.... so you're saying be quiet, lol? 

Yes'm Miss Smarty Pants... that's the gist of it :)

Quiet - inside and out - cuz nobody has a talent for sealing his own fate like N has!


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Re: Shakespearean Descriptions ( Perfect for NHs)
« Reply #27 on: August 13, 2007, 02:55:41 PM »
YUP, I think to an N craving any kind of attention, positive or negative...
silence (as in, talk through my attorney) is excellent sand.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Shakespearean Descriptions ( Perfect for NHs)
« Reply #28 on: August 13, 2007, 03:09:38 PM »
Hops, Hope, Lighter!!!

I think you are the warrior women Wagner wrote those sublime arias for!!!!

No one could have better support than I do- you are so wonderful- I know your wisdom is hard-won, and I appreciate your generosity in sharing it, and the inspiring fun as well. I have Orientation at the law school today, and am going to the student law center to get things going. They have the software to find people, the best family law attorneys teaching, etc, and the most beautiful law libraries- I am going to use the service (mostly free) and get this going, work on it every day as well, and make it a fun hobby!!!

AND- I'm going to SHUT UP!!!  BagWorm will have to take his lumps!!!

Love you,



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Re: Shakespearean Descriptions ( Perfect for NHs)
« Reply #29 on: August 13, 2007, 03:38:38 PM »
Hey.... law student, Changing....

if you get a chance to ask a few questions about keeping children safe with creative visitation language and agreements..... if that library has information on agreements that are out of the ordinary and very very useful and helpful......

let me know; ) 

BTW.... just rolling the word Aria around in my mind gave me chills.  I love Wagner: )