I've been socializing several times with a group of people who are into the same kind of science fiction stuff that I like. However, after observing one member for quite a while, I have become convinced that he is an N who is TOTALLY IN LOVE WITH THE SOUND OF HIS OWN VOICE!

For the past several weeks to MONTHS, he insists on talking about another bunch of people who he feels are SO IMPORTANT and on the brink of BECOMING FAMOUS and kept reminding us time and again about HIS affiliation with these individuals who are ABOUT TO BECOME SO FAMOUS!!!! (Name-dropping anyone!?)

Other members of our group had tried to passively steer him away from his favorite subject of HIMSELF and these NEAR-FAMOUS people, by giving him hint after hint and changing the subject, without any success. NARCISSISTS-DO-NOT-TAKE-HINTS!!!!!!
Last weekend, I finally reached my limit when the N started up again about his FAVORITE subject of HIMSELF and these NEARLY-FAMOUS people that I blew my stack and LOUDLY told him to "SHUT THE H3LL UP!!!! I AM SICK OF HEARING ABOUT THIS EVERY SINGLE TIME WE GET TOGETHER FOR THE PAST SEVERAL MONTHS!!! And I quoted the original Bones in Star Trek: "It's dead, Jim!" Geez!!!!!!!