I go to my Facebook business page to do some posting and get hit with this in my Message section:
"I see that you don't have a public tree therefore aren't willing to share your work."
This came from a TOXIC N relative who must have been trying to check out, (more accurately, STALK), my Ancestry account. I didn't bother to reply, just instantly BANNED the B!TCH!
FWIW, I AM willing to share my work...I am VERY PARTICULAR who I share my work with! If you ask nicely, no problem! Come at me with an ATTITUDE like this N just did and the N + ATTITUDE will be ejected out the nearest airlock!
My past experiences with this particular bunch, who unfortunately share my DNA, have NEVER been pleasant! I can understand them hating NWomb-Donor and my father for getting married back in 1934. (I wasn't born until about two decades later so I was NOT involved with their extramarital affair that led to my Dad divorcing his first wife during the Depression Era.) Now that NWomb-Donor and my father are dead and gone, it seems that these N's have turned their laser-hatred on me and I have NOT spoken with them frequently BECAUSE of their unpleasantness! Who wants to be around THAT?!?!?!? When I first started my genealogy research, before the Internet became easily available, my research was on paper...birth certificates, death certificates, marriage licenses, copies of wills, etc. THAT I PAID FOR! These N's DEMANDED that I hand EVERYTHING over to THEM because, in THEIR view, I was NOT allowed to have it!!! (As if I'm NOT allowed to be related to them in any way, shape, or form!) They got told "NO!" so their attitude has gotten snottier ever since.
The N who sent me that message on Facebook has been NASTY every single time she has contacted me. She needs to knock it off!!!