This is the trouble, Bonesie, there are a lot of people that just don't realise how much things cost. I've got an old printer/photocopier at home and obviously using that is cheaper than paying to have it done, but a lot of the time I have so much to print out or photocopy that I have to go to the library and even at their cheaper rates I can easily spend £8-£10 on a batch of paperwork and then the same again to post it securely. It mounts up; I have no idea why people think they can get things for free! It's a good job you're a bad ass and you don't let them walk all over you
Yes I've heard that deceased offerings are a sign of affection, lol, I just find tripping over them at 6 in the morning a bit much

She put a dead mouse in my son's shoe once, lol. She bought a live mouse in the other week, my son, bless him, so patient, he sat watching it, we put some bits of food in a plastic box and he sat there for ages until the mouse went in to get the food and then put a piece of cardboard over the top so we could take it outside. Cute little thing, he was nibbling away on a piece of cheese looking quite happy
