Author Topic: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?  (Read 1306043 times)


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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #8175 on: September 02, 2018, 07:35:31 PM »
How are you doing, Bones?  I've been thinking about you.  I hope the jackass cousin didn't cause any more problems.  We are seeing so many cute cats when we're out and about, nine on the way home from town this evening, all friendly and wanting a bit of a fuss.  I think I need to make up some sort of kitty showreel or something :) lol xx

I'm taking things one day at a time.

I'd LOVE to see pictures of those Fur Babies!!!!!!

One day at a time sounds like a good approach, Bonesie :)  I will see if I can start snapping pics of the cute kitties and load them on here somehow.  There is one we've christened the subway cat as he hangs around the underpass that leads to the shop, we've a pure white one called the snow cat, a long legged grey one that we've imaginatively titled 'Long Legs Grey Boy' and a stripy one that sleeps in the walnut tree with his legs hanging down either side of the branches :)  I will have to try and sneak up on them when they're napping and get some pictures :) xx


Those kitties sound ADORABLE!!!!!!!
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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #8176 on: September 04, 2018, 04:17:58 AM »
They are so cute, Bones, and so friendly as well, I really love that open trust and warmth that you get from animals (and small children, sometimes!).  I was in the sitting room yesterday and we had a furry intruder, cute fluffy black cat just poked his head around the door to say hello.  I had to usher him out because our cat would attack him so I don't want to welcome them in, as much as I'd like to!  But he was just so gorgeous, I felt mean putting him outside :) xx


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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #8177 on: September 04, 2018, 06:04:40 AM »
They are so cute, Bones, and so friendly as well, I really love that open trust and warmth that you get from animals (and small children, sometimes!).  I was in the sitting room yesterday and we had a furry intruder, cute fluffy black cat just poked his head around the door to say hello.  I had to usher him out because our cat would attack him so I don't want to welcome them in, as much as I'd like to!  But he was just so gorgeous, I felt mean putting him outside :) xx

AWWWWW!!!!  I hope he got a cuddle or two.
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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #8178 on: November 11, 2018, 04:50:37 AM »
How are things with you, Bones?  The fluffy black cat turned out to be a stray; our neighbour has taken him in as they didn't have any luck finding an owner.  He's a very nervous cat, not keen on people and has attacked the kind neighbour who is feeding him and looking after him now :)  But hopefully he will settle over time.  He comes into our garden every morning to drink out of a bowl of rainwater - he has clean fresh water in a nice bowl inside his new home but likes to have a drop from the grubby plastic pot on our back step :)  They are so funny.  He's a beautiful looking cat so hopefully over time he'll relax a bit.  We're not seeing as many cats now as the weather's turned and I think they're staying indoors in the warm.  Ours has got to have a tooth out so I need to get on and get that organised.  Showed up in a routine check; it's funny how they can be poorly but not show it.  I hope all is well with you :) xx


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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #8179 on: November 11, 2018, 07:55:58 AM »
How are things with you, Bones?  The fluffy black cat turned out to be a stray; our neighbour has taken him in as they didn't have any luck finding an owner.  He's a very nervous cat, not keen on people and has attacked the kind neighbour who is feeding him and looking after him now :)  But hopefully he will settle over time.  He comes into our garden every morning to drink out of a bowl of rainwater - he has clean fresh water in a nice bowl inside his new home but likes to have a drop from the grubby plastic pot on our back step :)  They are so funny.  He's a beautiful looking cat so hopefully over time he'll relax a bit.  We're not seeing as many cats now as the weather's turned and I think they're staying indoors in the warm.  Ours has got to have a tooth out so I need to get on and get that organised.  Showed up in a routine check; it's funny how they can be poorly but not show it.  I hope all is well with you :) xx

Thanks, Tupp.

I'm a bit slow in responding as my laptop crashed and I'm limited to a tablet.  I'm still trying to figure out a solution.

I met a new cousin last week through DNA.
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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #8180 on: November 11, 2018, 10:04:55 AM »
How are things with you, Bones?  The fluffy black cat turned out to be a stray; our neighbour has taken him in as they didn't have any luck finding an owner.  He's a very nervous cat, not keen on people and has attacked the kind neighbour who is feeding him and looking after him now :)  But hopefully he will settle over time.  He comes into our garden every morning to drink out of a bowl of rainwater - he has clean fresh water in a nice bowl inside his new home but likes to have a drop from the grubby plastic pot on our back step :)  They are so funny.  He's a beautiful looking cat so hopefully over time he'll relax a bit.  We're not seeing as many cats now as the weather's turned and I think they're staying indoors in the warm.  Ours has got to have a tooth out so I need to get on and get that organised.  Showed up in a routine check; it's funny how they can be poorly but not show it.  I hope all is well with you :) xx

Thanks, Tupp.

I'm a bit slow in responding as my laptop crashed and I'm limited to a tablet.  I'm still trying to figure out a solution.

I met a new cousin last week through DNA.

I'm terrible with tablets and smartphones, I just can't get the hang of them!  I hope your laptop can be fixed.  Does the new cousin seem nice?  I know some of your relatives have not been great to have around.  I hope this is a nice one :) xx


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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #8181 on: November 11, 2018, 01:34:33 PM »
How are things with you, Bones?  The fluffy black cat turned out to be a stray; our neighbour has taken him in as they didn't have any luck finding an owner.  He's a very nervous cat, not keen on people and has attacked the kind neighbour who is feeding him and looking after him now :)  But hopefully he will settle over time.  He comes into our garden every morning to drink out of a bowl of rainwater - he has clean fresh water in a nice bowl inside his new home but likes to have a drop from the grubby plastic pot on our back step :)  They are so funny.  He's a beautiful looking cat so hopefully over time he'll relax a bit.  We're not seeing as many cats now as the weather's turned and I think they're staying indoors in the warm.  Ours has got to have a tooth out so I need to get on and get that organised.  Showed up in a routine check; it's funny how they can be poorly but not show it.  I hope all is well with you :) xx

Thanks, Tupp.

I'm a bit slow in responding as my laptop crashed and I'm limited to a tablet.  I'm still trying to figure out a solution.

I met a new cousin last week through DNA.

I'm terrible with tablets and smartphones, I just can't get the hang of them!  I hope your laptop can be fixed.  Does the new cousin seem nice?  I know some of your relatives have not been great to have around.  I hope this is a nice one :) xx

I know what you mean.  A neighbor gave me her Lenovo laptop but it appears I'm going to have to restore it to factory specs to try to get it to work right.

My newfound cousin seems nice.  I've only met him last Thursday.  He's trying to find out about his birth father.  He's where I was in 1997, trying to search for the truth amid all the dysfunctional lies told by various relatives.  The DNA doesn't lie.  He thought I was his sister because of the DNA.  His late bio-father was my first cousin once removed.
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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #8182 on: November 18, 2018, 03:27:37 AM »
I'm glad he has turned out to be a nice cousin, Bones.  Did you know of him before or has he appeared unexpectedly?  It's amazing how many people can find they have relatives they knew nothing about.  There is a grave yard near us - I know it sounds a bit morbid but I find grave yards really peaceful and I like to wander around and imagine the lives of the people laying there.  A lot of the graves are very old and I wonder if the descendants of those people know each other or if various family lines have split and either died out or are unaware of each other.  And then I think about my family and I hope there aren't any more out there!  Does your new cousin live near enough for you to get to know one another or is he quiet some distance away? xx


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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #8183 on: November 18, 2018, 07:55:10 AM »
He lives quite a long way which requires either flying or several hours by train.

Until the DNA match turned up, we didn't know the other existed.

I tend to explore cemeteries for family history research.  I recently visited the grave of my ancestor who fought in the Revolutionary War and found another mystery to solve.
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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #8184 on: November 18, 2018, 10:40:33 AM »
He lives quite a long way which requires either flying or several hours by train.

Until the DNA match turned up, we didn't know the other existed.

I tend to explore cemeteries for family history research.  I recently visited the grave of my ancestor who fought in the Revolutionary War and found another mystery to solve.

It's nice that you've found both a living and a deceased relative, Bones, and how lovely that you've been able to go to their grave.  I do find the sight of very old graves quite sad as there isn't anyone around to tend them anymore.  I've been putting flowers on the grave of an eight year old child; there's no name, it just says they died in an accident in 1946.  I found that so sad that a little one passed away and there was no name to put on the grave.  Just felt I needed to do something - silly, I know.  It is so fascinating trying to work out what happened in the past and who various people were.

In other news, the semi stray black fluffy cat (neighbour is feeding him but says the cat doesn't settle in the house for long) almost let me stroke him today.  He seems quite nervous but has such a lovely face :) xx


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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #8185 on: November 18, 2018, 12:05:23 PM »
He lives quite a long way which requires either flying or several hours by train.

Until the DNA match turned up, we didn't know the other existed.

I tend to explore cemeteries for family history research.  I recently visited the grave of my ancestor who fought in the Revolutionary War and found another mystery to solve.

It's nice that you've found both a living and a deceased relative, Bones, and how lovely that you've been able to go to their grave.  I do find the sight of very old graves quite sad as there isn't anyone around to tend them anymore.  I've been putting flowers on the grave of an eight year old child; there's no name, it just says they died in an accident in 1946.  I found that so sad that a little one passed away and there was no name to put on the grave.  Just felt I needed to do something - silly, I know.  It is so fascinating trying to work out what happened in the past and who various people were.

In other news, the semi stray black fluffy cat (neighbour is feeding him but says the cat doesn't settle in the house for long) almost let me stroke him today.  He seems quite nervous but has such a lovely face :) xx

Awwwwwww!!!  Love the fur baby!
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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #8186 on: February 20, 2019, 04:43:40 AM »
Hi Bonesie, how are you doing?  A friend of mine has been doing some research into her family tree which has often made me think of you.  She has found a distant connection to current nobility in the area she lives.  The current Lord of the Manor has a huge stately home with hundreds of acres of land so we are thinking he might let his very distant cousin many times removed move in with a couple of her friends :) Lol.  We searched for my birth certificate and I wasn't on the database!  I got quite excited that my theory about being adopted may be proved correct :)  But I came up on another database so it seems my mum really is my mum and there isn't another one out there looking for me :)  Never mind.

We are seeing more of the cats as the weather's starting to warm up here and the days are getting longer.  The fluffy black one isn't visiting the garden much anymore which I'm hoping might mean he's more settled in his new home and spending more time inside.  We still have a circle of cats around the tree when I put the food out for the birds and we've now got a pair of seagulls who visit each morning.  One of them sits on the roof of the garage waiting for me to put their breakfast out.  Then he calls his friend and waits for him to arrive before they have breakfast together :)  It's so sweet, I really like seeing them together like that.

How are things going with you, is the weather improving at all yet? xx


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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #8187 on: February 20, 2019, 06:13:46 AM »
Hi Bonesie, how are you doing?  A friend of mine has been doing some research into her family tree which has often made me think of you.  She has found a distant connection to current nobility in the area she lives.  The current Lord of the Manor has a huge stately home with hundreds of acres of land so we are thinking he might let his very distant cousin many times removed move in with a couple of her friends :) Lol.  We searched for my birth certificate and I wasn't on the database!  I got quite excited that my theory about being adopted may be proved correct :)  But I came up on another database so it seems my mum really is my mum and there isn't another one out there looking for me :)  Never mind.

We are seeing more of the cats as the weather's starting to warm up here and the days are getting longer.  The fluffy black one isn't visiting the garden much anymore which I'm hoping might mean he's more settled in his new home and spending more time inside.  We still have a circle of cats around the tree when I put the food out for the birds and we've now got a pair of seagulls who visit each morning.  One of them sits on the roof of the garage waiting for me to put their breakfast out.  Then he calls his friend and waits for him to arrive before they have breakfast together :)  It's so sweet, I really like seeing them together like that.

How are things going with you, is the weather improving at all yet? xx

Hi, Tupp.

It's snowing again over here so I'm cooped up.

Your friend sounds like she could be a distant cousin of mine, lol!!!  Turns out I also have royal relatives such as the Duchess of Windsor.  :-)

I hope you're doing better.
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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #8188 on: February 21, 2019, 03:02:18 AM »
Hi Bonesie, how are you doing?  A friend of mine has been doing some research into her family tree which has often made me think of you.  She has found a distant connection to current nobility in the area she lives.  The current Lord of the Manor has a huge stately home with hundreds of acres of land so we are thinking he might let his very distant cousin many times removed move in with a couple of her friends :) Lol.  We searched for my birth certificate and I wasn't on the database!  I got quite excited that my theory about being adopted may be proved correct :)  But I came up on another database so it seems my mum really is my mum and there isn't another one out there looking for me :)  Never mind.

We are seeing more of the cats as the weather's starting to warm up here and the days are getting longer.  The fluffy black one isn't visiting the garden much anymore which I'm hoping might mean he's more settled in his new home and spending more time inside.  We still have a circle of cats around the tree when I put the food out for the birds and we've now got a pair of seagulls who visit each morning.  One of them sits on the roof of the garage waiting for me to put their breakfast out.  Then he calls his friend and waits for him to arrive before they have breakfast together :)  It's so sweet, I really like seeing them together like that.

How are things going with you, is the weather improving at all yet? xx

Hi, Tupp.

It's snowing again over here so I'm cooped up.

Your friend sounds like she could be a distant cousin of mine, lol!!!  Turns out I also have royal relatives such as the Duchess of Windsor.  :-)

I hope you're doing better.

Wow, Bonesie, you're royalty!  You need to claim your birthright - they've got loads of spare castles over here :)  Lol.  It's so interesting that so many people are connected in so many ways.  I'll let you know if my friend finds any more connections!

I am doing better now, thanks xx  I hope the snow clears soon.  We've been lucky and avoided it - I'm hoping we're heading into spring now.  I just feel better when we have more sun and the weather's warmer :)  Have you had the amazing moon the last few nights? xx


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Re: Is It Always N Behavior to Violate Others' Boundaries?
« Reply #8189 on: February 21, 2019, 09:11:19 AM »
Hi Bonesie, how are you doing?  A friend of mine has been doing some research into her family tree which has often made me think of you.  She has found a distant connection to current nobility in the area she lives.  The current Lord of the Manor has a huge stately home with hundreds of acres of land so we are thinking he might let his very distant cousin many times removed move in with a couple of her friends :) Lol.  We searched for my birth certificate and I wasn't on the database!  I got quite excited that my theory about being adopted may be proved correct :)  But I came up on another database so it seems my mum really is my mum and there isn't another one out there looking for me :)  Never mind.

We are seeing more of the cats as the weather's starting to warm up here and the days are getting longer.  The fluffy black one isn't visiting the garden much anymore which I'm hoping might mean he's more settled in his new home and spending more time inside.  We still have a circle of cats around the tree when I put the food out for the birds and we've now got a pair of seagulls who visit each morning.  One of them sits on the roof of the garage waiting for me to put their breakfast out.  Then he calls his friend and waits for him to arrive before they have breakfast together :)  It's so sweet, I really like seeing them together like that.

How are things going with you, is the weather improving at all yet? xx

Hi, Tupp.

It's snowing again over here so I'm cooped up.

Your friend sounds like she could be a distant cousin of mine, lol!!!  Turns out I also have royal relatives such as the Duchess of Windsor.  :-)

I hope you're doing better.

Wow, Bonesie, you're royalty!  You need to claim your birthright - they've got loads of spare castles over here :)  Lol.  It's so interesting that so many people are connected in so many ways.  I'll let you know if my friend finds any more connections!

I am doing better now, thanks xx  I hope the snow clears soon.  We've been lucky and avoided it - I'm hoping we're heading into spring now.  I just feel better when we have more sun and the weather's warmer :)  Have you had the amazing moon the last few nights? xx

Lol!  I wouldn't mind visiting a few castles!  Lol!

I haven't been outside at night to check out the moon though.
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