I'm feeling VERY aggravated right now!

Yesterday, my neighbor brought a Canada gosling to me that clearly needed medical attention ASAP! I don't have much background nor training in wildlife rescue so I attempted to call bf as he has more experience than I do in this area. All I got was his voicemail.
My neighbor loaned me his cat carrier and I drove over to bf's house, with the gosling, thinking he might be in his backyard and didn't hear his phone. I checked his backyard, no one is there, I pounded on his door with my fist, no response. I called his home phone, from my cell phone, while standing on his porch, and listened through his mail slot, only to discover that his phone's ringer is turned off! I called and left a voice mail message on his office phone, thinking he might have gone in to work.
Because I could not locate bf, I had to return home and explained to my neighbor that I could not locate bf. As a result of being unable to locate the appropriate veterinary treatment that the gosling needed, it died. Needless to say, I was VERY UPSET and VERY ANGRY about an innocent baby animal dying needlessly!!!! I NEVER heard ANYTHING back from bf for the remainder of the afternoon nor the evening in response to my voice mail messages.
This morning, he calls me, from his office phone, in response to the voice mail message I left there. He thought I still had the gosling with me. I informed him: "IT DIED!!!! WHERE WERE YOU?!?!?!?" He responded: "I was in my backyard painting my shed." When I told him that I had gone over to his home, been in his back yard, pounded on his door, YELLED for him, and saw for myself that he WAS NOT THERE, he got all flustered and stammers: "Uh-h-h-h-h, I don't know where I was!"
He's an IDIOT!!!!!!
