Another random thought based on an observation from this past weekend. It appears that N's could have criminal minds as well!!!!!
When I had to go to Meg-National Bank to take care of some business, the behavior of the person in front of me caught my attention. She presented the teller with a business check, with the logo of Mega-National Bank prominently displayed, and asked to have it cashed. The individual did NOT have any ID with her and, as it turned out, she did NOT have an account with Mega-National Bank. The only thing she could provide was her fingerprint on the check. I also got the sense that this check was for an amount of a good-sized chunk of change.
As per bank policy, the teller checked the bank records for the account of this business and discovered that there was NO RECORD OF THE ACCOUNT!!! (I'm sensing a red flag here.) The teller politely and professionally explained to the customer that there is no record of the business account with Mega-National Bank and, because there is no record of this account existing, the check could not be cashed.
The person, who had presented the check, got loud and demanding! "What do you mean you can't cash this check?!?!? There's the logo of Mega-National Bank right there!!!!!!" The teller, again, tried to explain that they cannot cash a check written on a non-existent account. The customer got nastier and demanded to speak to the manager!!! (I'm seeing more red flags connected with this situation...i.e. check fraud, scamming, con-artist, forged check, fraudulent check, counterfeit check, etc.) The manager was standing right there and heard the whole exchange from the beginning. Before the manager could make a move, this person is on her cell-phone, calling someone and loudly complaining that the teller was RUDE to her!!! (The teller was VERY POLITE while explaining bank policy.)
The bank manager offered to help and took the check in the back while this individual continued her, loud, cell-phone conversation. When the bank manager returned, he politely explained that he was sorry to inform her but the check cannot be cashed because there is no record of this particular account ever existing with Mega-National Bank. The customer got even nastier and demanded to speak with the manager's supervisor. When it was explained that the supervisor would be in on Monday, she stormed out in a huff! (I'm strongly thinking that this person was attempting to pass off a counterfeit check and got caught! I wish the police had been contacted so they could have a little chat with her!)
What got me was her sense of absolute ENTITLEMENT! Her demands were clearly unreasonable!!