I'm struggling for words right now.
First the massacre in Newtown, Connecticut. Then, a few minutes ago, I received a phone call from my second cousin...the one who is homeless. She was unable to find my phone number until today to call me. During the phone call, I learned that her husband was gunned down three months ago. She was too drunk to tell me any details before the call was terminated. She did attempt to demand money...again.
Dysfunction just doesn't even begin to describe this mess! 
What I often struggle with is that the ONLY time I hear from NWomb-Donor's side of the family, (the homeless cousin is from that side of the tree), is when they want to DEMAND something that I CANNOT give or have NO INTEREST in providing!
Under the category of CANNOT GIVE......MONEY! I'm a retiree, with medical issues, medical bills, struggling with a FIXED INCOME.
Under the category of NO INTEREST IN PROVIDING......subsidizing a relative's alcoholism and/or drug addiction; providing sex on demand because the NWomb-Donor has them convinced that I'm the "Family Whore".

The more I look at NWomb-Donor's side of the Family Tree, the more I'm convinced that they are ALL BAT-SHIT CRAZY!!!!!