Today, something really big 'clicked" in. Steve, that genius, wrote some profound posts. I could not get them, in the heart,but I knew that a big answer was within them. Then, Shunned, Bells, Iphi, Janet, Tweety, Authentic and I were working on the Twiggy thread about the "inner child"
Today, I understood Steve's post about us being our own 'universe" .I feel close to what I did at 14. I feel almost "real". I still have many issues to 'let go",BUT this is a really big "win" for me.
I have to be my universe. If not, I am not "occupying' and 'using the space and force that God gave ME( and only me) to live my life.
. I am not using and living any of my potential
Somehow ,my M stole my ability to think,feel, and perceive FREELY. I was scared to death of my thinking, feeling and perceiving.
I felt totally bad and selfish to be my own universe. I felt like I was a HORRIBLE person to want anything for myself. I guess I had to be a "sacrifice" to her. Somehow, she programmed me like this.
I am just at the very,very beginning of getting whole,but thanks to you-- I made a very big step, Love Ami