. I saw all the" bad"( revolting, disgusting things to me) in my M.I could not face them so I turned them on me.Is this what you are saying?.I became bad so she could stay good. WOW----- that makes sense.
When your M put you down for wanting to "better " yourself,I had this with wanting to be a person of character ( that my GM told me ). My M thought that this was "hilarious."
I think that I twisted b/c I could not face that my M was "gross"--- just disgusting and revolting to me. I had to become the bad one in order to survive. Is that what you are saying, Amber?
I am really seeing(I think) that I became the rejected, gross,disgusting. revolting sick one so she could be the "good" one b/c someone's reality was WRONG and OFF and I had to choose. So,I chose her to be the good one and me the bad one.
i feel really,really angry at her for doing this to me--GRRRRRRRRRRR