Hi P, and all,
On the subject of nice narcissism. I think narcissism has many "personalities."
My husband and my Mom both have N tendancies. They are both nice quite a bit of the time (though not all the time). They both believe their intentions to be very good. They believe they are harmless, they just want me to be happy, they are doing what is "best" for me. They both have plenty of hugs and kisses.
However, behind their very good intentions, are more intentions which are self-motivated. Consciously they understand their words and actions as caring, motivated in the spirit of fun, and love. But unconsciously there are selfish motivations. They have a strong need to control, to project, to have power over. This makes their harmful behavior very subtle.
This has been very confusing for me. I know they both mean well! How could they be abusive with such genuinely good intentions???
They have not allowed me to validate my own experience which is a feeling of suffociation. I don't get to be myself when they are trying to live through me, control me, etc. I don't get to have my own voice, make my own decisions. It is more of a paternalistic relationship than a relationship of equals. They may often act benevolantly, and if they do I am lucky to be the recipiant. It feeds their need to perceive themesles as a good mom or a good husband. I don't get a voice.
If I call them on disrespect I get guilt tripped. Oh, I just wanted to do something nice for you... Oh, I was just making a joke... I think you'll be glad I...
Then, I think... Yes, that's right, I shouldn't feel invaded, hurt, disrespected, because they didn't mean any harm.
The result is: I can never trust my own experience. Do I feel hurt? I probably shouldn't. I am probably over reacting. Am I anxious or depressed? Why? I had the best parents and the most loving husband in the world! Something is really wrong with me, right?
It's a damaging cycle, even with the "nicest" N tendancies.
Thanks for letting me write, and process! I hope someone can relate and feel less alone!
Peace, sjkravill