I know that I need to lose weight and I kept thinking that was it, but wait I was the same weight when he pursued me....? It was almost like he knew he had to withhold something to keep me there. I just keep asking myself how I allowed it to happen, as I always felt I was a pretty good judge of character. He ripped my whole world apart and left me questioning the most basic ideas I had. I had told him that it wasn't about sex, it was the intimacy. He continually told me we were the best of friends, but sent very mixed signals.
Everyone kept saying "he's being honest with you and has told you he just wants to be friends", but it was not the message he would send. Do friends call you everyday to say hello and just see how you are. Spend every weekend with you? And then when we would argue, ask me if we were breaking up? Maybe I'm naive, but it was sooooooooooooooooooooooooo confusing.