Counseling went well with husband. He was nervous and trying to dissociate from counselor's questions, but she wouldn't let him.
When he told her, regarding her statement that he and I needed to be in unity on decisions, that "someone has to make the final decision when things are at an impasse, so it needs to be ME," she told him "families usually run better when both parents are in agreement. You make the decisions TOGETHER!.
NH didn't like that idea, since I gave him the right to rule over me for way too long, based on religious beliefs (in opposition to CHRISTIAN ones). NH actually tried to tell me that the WORLD knows that MEN ARE DOMINANT and believes they should RULE over women. I told him that the male over woman thing is from RELIGION not from the world's beliefs. The world is pro women's lib at the moment...with even considering electing a woman president, so, no, MALE over FEMALE is NOT a world idea, it's a religious one, and EVERYONE does not AGREE with him, as he told me. See, N's big thing is, "because I feel this way or believe this, EVERYONE DOES, therefore, I'm not wrong cause I'm doing what everyone does." Problem is, just cause N is doing something, doesn't mean others are too. Because N's decieve people, doesn't me you are deceptive too.