Thank you for asking, Hardtotrust,
I really think that my heart is breaking,at some level(energetic level?)and that is what the weight on my chest is. Yesterday,I had pain rolling over me like a tidal wave and my chest felt crushed.
I laid in bad and just felt it and "allowed" it in, rather than run from it. After a while, it stopped, and I felt an acceptance and a peace with God. I think that I will try to handle the grief like this, in the future. I think I learned an important lesson about feelings. I had a meditation tape which said that you should 'feel" and embrace your feelings and then they would change their nature.
I found this to be true. I am not as afraid of my feelings,now. I feel like whatever feeling comes 'at " me----- pain, rejection, shame ,guilt, worthlessness, fear etc, I can just "embrace" it and eventually,it will 'change it's nature.
I learned s/thing very profound. I was running away from shame ,all the time. Shame was a big bogeyman,who had me
dancing on it's chain.
I don't feel quite so afraid of my feelings,anymore.
Thanks for being so kind , Hardtotrust. Love to you, Ami