Two clarifications of the NC rule:
The intent of the NC rule is to avoid conscious, unconscious, or unintended provocation. So:
1) Don’t quote anyone who you are in NC with.
Dear Richard,
Please, could you clarify "quote" anyone. I understand that to mean a direct reference to a person, as in writing the NC person's actual name or writing in direct reference of the NC person - on any post.
In particular, as personally, I have endured here on board, a character assassination, with defamatory harassment, yesterday, and in addition, I have been LABELLED as a Philfer.
Simply because, unintentionally, I typed the same words as a NC person -- to which I applied the words to myself only, words that were applied with regard to my own personal experience here on board.
Of course, I am in effect also highlighting that LABELS are not permitted here on the board, as per your instructional guidelines (board rules).
I do feel, I need clarification on the subject of the use of: " words, phrases, quotes of inspiration from websites, website articles, website links, books, and any other information " in regard to NC with a person.
Also, I feel that yesterday's thread in question: NC Breach: One Member's Pervasive Discombobulated Annoying Board Behavior is itself in Breach of NC as it is an absolute direct reference to a NC person, me.
Added to which, the content therein is in Breach of the Board Membership agreement, which each member, myself included, agreed to abide by:
You agree, through your use of this forum, that you will not post any material which is false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing,
obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy
I would be grateful for your assistance in all of the above areas of real concern.
Yours respectfully,