Author Topic: The "H" test. Dr. Oz on Oprah  (Read 9885 times)


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The "H" test. Dr. Oz on Oprah
« on: August 12, 2008, 11:39:37 PM »

Hi anyone,

Did any of you see the Oprah show where Dr. Oz talked about the "H" test for memory?

I've looked for it online and can't find it?  Can anyone help me find it?


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Re: The "H" test. Dr. Oz on Oprah
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2008, 01:39:06 PM »
I tried to find it TT.  The "search" on is abysmal.


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Re: The "H" test. Dr. Oz on Oprah
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2008, 01:58:25 PM »
Google is best Search engine,

I found this, which suggests it is available only in Dr.'s book?

H test. Brain alertness is part of an electrical grid (Alzheimer's or trauma messes up the grid) In 40 seconds people should be able to cross out all of the 'H's' on a grid designed of letters with "H's" intermingled in the group. Every missed 'H' adds 3 seconds to your score. The test is available in the book You Staying Young by Dr. Oz .

Another Link provided this:

Copied because of Link?[Best Syndication] On yesterday’s Oprah TV show, Dr. Oz turned the tables a bit, and had the audience take a health quiz on a number of questions. Here is a list of the questions asked and the correct answers.

Question: What shape should your poop be?

The answer: S Shaped. This shows that you’re eating a healthy diet and you are including enough fiber in your diet.

The first question 91 percent of the audience got correct; this has been a long discussed topic with Dr. Oz and Oprah. One of his first appearances he grossed us out with this question.

Question: How much fiber should you eat each day?

Answer: 25 grams.

The average American only eats 10 grams of fiber each day. Dr. Oz also emphasized that you need to eat dietary fiber throughout the day with each meal. How can you get fiber into your diet without taking fiber supplements? Dr. Oz showed us that if you eat 3 pears, some whole wheat pasta, a cup of split peas, and a good handful of walnuts you can get 25 grams of fiber. Legumes or dry beans are an excellent source of dietary fiber. You also can get your dietary fiber from whole grain cereals too.

The benefits to eating adequate dietary fiber are many. It helps lower your blood pressure. Fiber in you diet will lower you bad cholesterol levels. It has also been shown to help prevent diabetes. Diabetics are also encouraged to eat a high fiber diet to improve glucose levels that help control insulin levels. Dr. Oz also said that you need to drink enough water to avoid constipation when you eat a lot of fiber.

Question: How do you know if you had enough water to drink?

Answer: You can see through your urine clearly as if you could read through it. Your urine could still have an odor if you eat asparagus, said Dr. Oz. He said that if you drink enough water you urine is not concentrating and your body will be flushing itself correctly. He also pointed out that birds don’t pee, they poop, interesting.

Question: What is the most dangerous fat in your body?

Answer: The fat in your belly.

The audience scored will at 98% correctly answering this question. Dr. Oz pointed out that if a man lost 35 pounds of body weight they can gain 1 inch on their penis size. I can’t believe he said that on TV.

Question: Which body organ stores fat?

Answer: The omentum.

Only 50% of the audience got this question correct. On a previous show Dr. Oz and Oprah where holding up omentums of an overweight person and a skinny person. It was dramatically different in size. The more heavier you get, the larger your omentum becomes. The omentum is responsible for increasing your appetite. So the larger the omentum, the more hunger pains you could have and the more you will want to eat.

At one point in the show an audience member had song an original song about Dr. Oz and your omentum while strumming on a guitar. I thought it was fun to have him do that for the show.

Question: What is a flavonoid?

Answer: A flavonoid is found in food and is an anti-oxidant. Only 65% of the audience got this question correct.

Dr. Oz took a moment of the show to discuss aging in some detail. He suggests that we have to make good choices so that we age gracefully. He showed what he looked like if he aged gracefully and if he didn’t age gracefully. The contrast was quite a bit different.

Question: What is the most important item that can help you age gracefully?

Answer: Your blood pressure is the number one health issue for predicting if you will age gracefully or not. Dr. Oz said you need to keep your blood pressure readings under 120 / 80. He warns that eating excessive amounts of sodium in processed food can help to raise your blood pressure. Dr. Oz also recommends eating potassium rich foods such as bananas. In addition you should also exercise to help keep your blood pressure in check. Remember Dr. Oz said earlier that eating enough fiber can lower blood pressure as well.

Question: Impotence can also be sign for another condition, what is it?

Answer: Heart disease. The reason is that nitric oxide needs to release in the body for a man to become hard. In the absence of nitric oxide a man can become unable to function. That means there could also be a lack of nitric oxide available in the heart as well, which could mean that they have heart disease. Viagra works in a way to release nitric oxide in the body to help correct this condition.

Question: When do most people have heart attacks?

Answer: Monday mornings.

Dr. Oz says that stress can trigger plaque to break free and cause a scab that can block heart blood vessels. He showed an animation on how a heart attack can occur. Heart attacks can develop in minutes or hours, usually not days.

Question: How often should you have sex with your partner?

Answer: 200 times per year.

Only 4 percent of the audience got this question correct. Oprah did remind the viewers that Dr. Oz believes this to be correct. Sex in a long term relationship can be good for your health, and this is based on a study that found health benefits.

Question: What is the best way to treat a jelly fish sting?

Answer: Vinegar.

Vinegar is the most effective way to treat a jelly fish sting because of the acidity content. If vinegar is not available, urine can work if it is acidic. Dr. Oz said never to use fresh water to rinse of the sting because it will cause it to burn worse.

Question: What is the best way to remove a tick?

Answer: Pluck it out.

Dr. Oz said that even though the head of the tick could still remain in your body, it is much better to do it this way because a tick could regurgitate back into your body diseases, such as the dreaded Lyme disease. You can always go back and remove the head of the tick. The head of the tick will not give you the disease, it’s the body.

Question: Why are mosquitoes more attracted to certain people that others?

Answer: There are a number of reasons why people can become mosquito magnets. One reason is their perfume, deodorant, or lotion that might entice the mosquito. Another reason which is the most contributing factor is genetics. Some people are more predisposed to attract mosquitoes. Dr. Oz pointed out that people with a lot of body hair actually can repel mosquitoes because the insects don’t like hair. Also because there is a lot of hair a person is more likely to feel the mosquito landing on the person, and can kill it before it bites them. The last reason mosquitoes can search you out is because of what you ate. Dr. Oz didn’t specify which foods might do this.

Question: Dr. Oz showed us some round shaped thing that looked like a bone or a rock and asked what it was.

Answer: It was a gall stone. Dr. Oz then went on to show us a number of different gall stones that were of different colors, and shapes. Some were shaped like tiny dice. He said that the smaller ones can be more dangerous than the larger ones because they can cause blockages which can create emergency situations.

Question: What causes and ice cream headache or a brain freeze?

Answer: Dilation of the arteries. When we eat ice cream or something cold, it can cause nerves at the back of our mouth to become excited, and causes the extreme pain. Some people may be more prone to this than others. If you want to help prevent a brain freeze, Dr. Oz suggests that you hold your tongue to the roof of your mouth to warm it back up again.

Question: Dr. Oz showed us a picture of internal organs and asked us what this body part was.

Answer: The spleen. The audience voted the correct answer by 55%. Dr. Oz said that pain on the left side is often related to the spleen. It probably is not a serious pain. The right side under the rib cage is more of a red flag that Dr. Oz says he is more concerned about. The spleen can however rupture which does require emergency surgery. Always check out aches and pains with your doctor.

At the end of the show Dr. Oz gave everyone a test of the memory. He gave us a seven digit series of numbers to remember. They went to commercial, then we were asked what the numbers were. Dr. Oz said that even if you didn’t get all the numbers right, so long as you could understand that those numbers where something that you were doing a minute ago you do not have Alzheimer’s. Oprah said that she was told that Alzheimer’s causes people to forget what a key is and not so much that they forgot where they put the keys.

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Re: The "H" test. Dr. Oz on Oprah
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2008, 02:10:06 PM »
Omentum (from Latin, meaning "apron") can refer to two different components of the peritoneum
The peritoneum both supports the abdominal organs and serves as a conduit for their blood and lymph vessels and nerves.
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Re: The "H" test. Dr. Oz on Oprah
« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2008, 04:53:26 PM »
Way to go Izzy.  Did you use advanced features on Google search?  Have you tried Cuil - the new site developed by former Googlers?


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Re: The "H" test. Dr. Oz on Oprah
« Reply #5 on: August 13, 2008, 06:28:13 PM »
Simply Google......... and typed in 'H test'
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