to change the subject for just a moment....
If my mother saw what I was writing about her, I think she would laugh. Then she would get mean and then punishing. Then she would throw a tantrum. She would look like a little kid when she did the tantrum.
This I can relate...and much more you wrote but this paints a good picture, when you say laugh you mean that evil sarcastic laugh, correct?
Helen, I throw tantrums...Or feel them in me,but the difference between me and the N mom throwing a tantrum is that they then deny that they threw one. They also do much more damage.
Yeah, it would be a sarcastic laugh, my mother does not outwardly seem evil like somepeople are blatant about it. It's more of a passive thing but she is sarcastic. I know that some kids really have mean, mean, parents. Mine are messed up and unkind but not extremely evil-villan like.
Her sarcastic laughs have this feeling-tone of being intentional, like every thing she is doing is on purpose. My Nar-coworker was an evil-villan type but with that coworker it was a lot of ridicule.
It strikes me how my mother has her own reality in her mind and it is different then what she outwardly expresses. I think she is still punishing me for a minor thing that happened years ago. Maybe she is punishing me for what happened to her as a kid, eh, who knows.
Yes, my mother denies a lot including the tantrums. Sometimes she directly denies stuff and sometimes it is just a matter of never talking about it or somehow it gets omitted. It's hard to explain.
Hey, Gabben! What does it feel like to have a tantrum inside of you? What causes you to have a tantrum?
I think I only have play-tantrums. I only do them when I'm being silly with myself.
My personal immaturity is probably intimacy, I want to run sometimes, I have litterally turned my back and walked away on people- this was an uncontrollable action, there was so much fear, the thought that someone might like me sometimes is horrifying. It messes with my mind, they can't possibly love me because my deep beliefs say otherwise. And oh god I'm in such a state of embarrassment.
Unfortunately when it has happened, I bet the person didn't really understand why I did it, I think they have an idea though, people who are around me do eventually think there is something bad that has gone-on in my life. I do behave rudely in this instance. I'm not perfect either!
I think there is the chance that too many emotions will come rushing to the surface and I will be undone.
I sometimes give people the impression that I don't like them, but it's not true.