Attn: Essential SELF
WE must go get a job together. You have to be there with me during the interview. We must get a job, it has to be done..
Can you understand why? Do you see that. Essential self please be reasonable, ok don't be reasonable.
This is so frustrating. I will listen to you Essential SELF, but I need you to HELP me. It just isnt going to work if you go BERSERK on me. I know you are in a running wild land galloping faster then the wind. I know, but I'm also here in the real world.
We need to meet somewhere in between you know? You want me to take risks on your behalf, like what?
You want to go be an animator or something for Disney? I don't think that is reasonable. Ok OK I get it you are SICK of what Ego has been doing. I know Ego is sick of itself too. Ego likes you Essential Self. It just is trying to deal with adult stuff, serious stuff.
Ok, well essential self is on a horse running across some sandy place.
Is that essential self or the subconscious?
Can I trust this? What if its nonsense...
Ok, YOU with the horses. Help me out, all the puppets, bubble heads, monsters, spirits, pirates, smurfs and smoofs. I need you all to work together... OK
Like communicate with each other OK?
Please I'm begging you.
Ego will try to be a good boss, a boss that brings out the best in you, not a tyrant ok?
You talk to Ego boss, and Ego boss will try to listen. We will figure something out OK?
NO bickering.
Ego will do things that you don't like to do like to do like Tax paper work.
You guys can do other things.
Ok, maybe Ego is just the book keeper.
Ego you are not allowed to control essential self anymore.