It sounds like your extended family is one big culture of self-absorption.
Yes, that's why they love my N sister. They all get off on each other, who's the prettiest, the skinniest, the smartest, bigger house, best never ends.
And the two that are not like this just sit there with a smile and are so happy for them. It's quite bizarre to witness. Like zombies applauding them.
That email was so trivial I had trouble even reading it through.
These emails are quite common from her, always rushed and never addresses my questions, like an N. My sister was probably eating her lunch and painting her nails while trying to type.
Everyone else would receive a very professional polished email. To keep up her image of perfection.
Stick to your friends for support! The family we make as sane adults is almost always better than anything that touches an N.
Ditto! seasons
Because ultimately, what people like you and I want is peace, friendship, love, fun, camaraderie, correct? We want our consciouses to be clean so that we can be at peace, when the N's come around they push their mud onto us, making us feel like the dirty ones. Not that we are not without imperfections, but just what is OUR stuff and what is theirs, the N's don't really spend their time wondering this, they just dump and move on to the next target.
Yes, you spoke through my heart also.
Some thoughts with myself and my faith.
I have spent decades filled with such shame for my feelings. Being separated from God as I must of been such a dissapointment that I couldn't take it. Turn the other cheek........haunted me. Because I tried that for years, over and over again and it didn't work.
Trying to be more patient, kinder, softer, attentive etc. It was never enough to keep them from ripping my heart out.
Finally I know God loves me, with all my imperfections, he knows my heart better than I. He knows how much love, joy, and support I wanted to share with my siblings.
This sickness I cannot heal. I hand it over to our loving Father. Which has brought me peace on my road to recovery.
It is pitiful to think of all they are missing out on. All the people that run away. All the attention, love, compassion, joy from real relationships they would of received if they were not narcissistic.
It is tragic for so many that this sickness is not treatable.
After much reflection, rather it's being bullied, abused, n supplier I need to let go of their stuff and start being more vigilant and stop being a victim.
I really am rambling here. Much appreciation seasons