Things are lurching step by step forward with the legal battle with my brother. Every time there's a communication from his attorney (who is snarky and distorts everything) heart sinks and I feel fear. Then I think it through and remind myself that I'm fine, and I will be fine, no matter what happens.
Sometimes I wonder if I can tell something's about to happen. (Got a new communique today.)
I wonder that because YESTERDAY early morning I woke from a brief but strong dream...
My mother was lying in her grand bed and when I opened her door to check on her, my brother had a chair pulled up close to the bed and he and she were deep in conversation...when I looked at them, it was so clear that they were plotting to harm me. (As they did.) And she looked up and smiled at me, and it was a completely empty smile.
Like the famous N "baring of teeth." False.
Not a nice dream. And, seven months after her life is still in turmoil. Her plotting with him was real, and the damage is real.
This is how narcissists say thank you. (They don't. They will PUNISH you for being good to them.)
I'm not upset, exactly...I'm just sobered. Still feeling, the way you might feel about a bad storm, that this is as real as weather and must be survived in the same, no-choice-about-it, kind of way.