Dear Bear,
I hear you, I hear you, I hear you! I am 60 years, and have had these same such "scenarios" going on inside my head for many years. For me, only time has helped, a bit. I have come to realize these are just my own, worrisome thoughts and worry does not do anything but make my stress level rise. In my family, worry runs amok. I have tried, very hard, to temper it thru the years, with some success. But, occasionally, if I can't get a hold of one of my kids (especially the youngest, recently divorced, and living on her own), those pesky scenarios start raging in my head, and I have all I can do, as not to call every hospital in the area!
Once, about 8 or 9 months ago, I couldn't reach her for the whole day. Normally she returns calls, texts, etc promptly, but not this time. I got in the car and drove the 1/2 hour to her condo. All the way there, these HORRIBLE scenarios went thru my mind (suffice to say, it had everything to do with her being young, vulnerable, and alone). She was not home. I was a wreck. I must have left 5 or more messages on her cell. FINALLY, when I was on my cell, telling my husband I was going to call the police, she called. Boy, was she upset! Thought someone in the family had died. I am determined not to repeat this, as I am so afraid of driving a wedge between my self and my kids.
I am not sure my story helps you, but I just weant you to know you are not alone. Hugs, Judy