Well, here is the situation I'm dealing with ... I have told y'all elsewhere that my daughter doesn't GET social situations, especially when strong emotions are involved. I have also told y'all that about 2 months ago my oldest son's wife walked off and took the baby with her.
You don't need the details of HOW my daughter came to her conclusions (besides, I KNOW the details and I'm still confused) ... but she basically skimmed a couple of text messages on my phone and came to the conclusion that it is my fault that her brother's marriage fell apart and his wife won't come back to him. SHe has had an "attitude" about this situation ever since it happened ... will sigh really big and roll her eyes when we talk about our pain, walk off, once she even announced in the car that "we are NOT talking about Bro and SIL's situation right now" (that was while we were still hoping DIL would calm down and work on the marriage). The rest of us were talking about it because we were in incredible pain and suffering about it. Even her younger brother was hurting and wanted to talk to relieve his distress.
I have not spoken to DIL at all since she moved out (I don't mean I'm giving her the silent tx, I just mean I have had no reason or opportunity to talk to her). But somehow my own daughter concluded that it is my fault DIL won't come back to her husband.
As it turned out, she said she came to her conclusion based on the text messages she had read on my phone (I have to save them b/c they might be relevant in the upcoming custody battle). SO I read her the messages verbatim. Her response was, "I didn't say [what she said two minutes before]." I was livid. I kept at her until she admitted she had said [what she said]. Yes I yelled at her. She finally admitted that she had mis-read the texts and she did do a rapid about-face in her attitude.
But ... she has been walking around with a crummy attitude for two months. My youngest son revealed that she had been IMing the estranged DIL and her wacko mother behind my back (if he was an adult I would suspect him of trying to stir up problems, but he's not even a teenager yet, so that was mainly I think to empathize with me in the moment). My daughter skimmed through a texted conversation, misread it, and didn't even think "hmm, what I think I read doesn't sound like the Mom I know." No, she naturally assumed the worst in me.
This is not the first time she has automatically assumed I am a liar, dishonest, mean, petty, a troublemaker, etc. If I am having problems with anyone outside the family, she has a knee-jerk response to be on the other side from me. It's not just me, if her dad or brothers say something is black she will say it is white. This summer while we were on vacation, every chance she got she would say things to "prove" that when she is 18 she won't have to follow my rules. If we passed a casino, she'd say, "Oh, I can't wait til I'm 18, that's the first thing I'm going to do." She would go into elaborate detail about the tattoo she's going to get when she turns 18 (because I told her when she's 18, if she gets a tattoo it's her business but while she's a minor she is not getting one.)
A major point I need to make is that she is EXCESSIVE about all this. I have three other kids, I know that it is pretty standard for teens to pull away by insisting on being different from their parents and/or siblings. But it's like almost 100% of the time with her. And she flaunts it, tries to rub our noses in it. My husband and sons' favorite team was playing a hugely important game on TV a few days ago, and my husband noted that although my daughter could care less about football, she came downstairs and made a big deal about cheering for the other team.
I am extremely hurt and I am tired of pouring love into a bucket with a hole in the bottom. My husband gives lip service to understanding how hurt I am but then gives me the "you're overreacting" speech. He gets just as upset at her as I do, but if he's not involved in the argument of the day, then he blames me for arguing with her and acts like it's a squabble between two girls instead of between the mother and the daughter.
I don't know if he has a point or not. I do know that after all these years of struggling with her emotional issues, I am bone-deep exhausted. I have never been so hurt at anyone as I have been at the estranged DIL --- for hurting my son and then doing everything she can to keep him away from his daughter. As I told my daughter: I feel like the DIL and her mother have been chasing me around with a steak knife, trying to plunge it into my heart, and when I bat their hands away my own daughter says "you're a terrible person, you hit her hand." OK, yes that's a bit melodramatic but metaphorically speaking that's the way I feel.
So, that's what I'm confused about. I have been and am hurt at a level that I won't quickly recover from, and then my own daughter does this. And then my husband says I'm overly emotional and making the situation worse.