OMG. This is EXACTLY what my mother is doing to my sister right now. Both of them have cancer. My mother is terminal, and she sees this as her final curtain call. She is the dying queen, who everyone must rally around and lavish with attention. At age 75, she has also lived a very long life, and is not dying a premature death.
My sister, on the other hand, is only 48. She has had six surgeries so far for her breast cancer, with major complications. My mother is actually angry that S is taking attention away from her. She acts as if my sister is doing this on purpose to steal the spotlight. She is mistreating her very sick daughter. Sadly, my sister is my mother's puppet, and is putting up with this abuse because she doesn't dare stand up for herself and anger the queen. I think the stress is actually making her condition worse.
Dr. G is so right in saying that you deserve a normal mother, now more than ever. I think we all have that hope that one day our NMs will surprise us, and suddenly change, and become a good person in the end. When I found out that my mother had terminal cancer, I had that hope. I wanted her to realize that she was nearing the end, and to feel remorse. I wanted her to apologize. Most of all, I wanted her to tell me that she loved me. I found out very quickly that my hope was really a big fantasy. M is more than content to go to her grave without making amends as a final "F You" to me. How sad is that?
Kelly, please don't let your M zap your strength, weaken you, or cause you unnecessary stress. Not now. Ns don't change. They CAN'T change. They have a sickness. The only thing you can do is rid yourself of them. Time spent dealing with an N is time wasted - time that could be spent caring for yourself. There is only one person who matters right now, and that is YOU. Please take care of yourself. There is much to be said about the power of positive thinking. Love, support, and positive energy CAN be healing. Now is the time to focus on the positive. Don't let her hurt you anymore.