I hear what you're saying. I remember that process of coming out of my cocoon-prison. I can't tell how it happened, can't describe a how-to process... but at some point, I began to realize that there was more to the experience of leaving one's comfort zone than fear, anxiety about risk-success-failure, and how others would see me (and how I would see myself).
At one point, I realized that I'd been conditioned to color the feeling of anticipation - looking forward to something - with that fear and anxiety. WHAT IF - I asked myself - what if, instead of that self-defeating dread (and internalized messages about consequences)... what if that was wrong? What if I was creating a self-perpetuating negative cycle?
And somewhere along the way, I learned that I could include "excitement", "looking forward to", positive feelings about trying something new, discovery, exploration to the old messages - they co-existed for a while. I could be anxious AND excited, for instance. At another point, I realized that I was feeling more of the positive feelings about "new stuff" and inner transformation than I was the old. But the old "tendencies" to repeat the old patterns remain - I can easily slip back into them. Like old stinky worn out slippers... I think it's OK; it might even serve to heighten the contrast with the "new me" that is slowly forming. But the important bit of that is now, I feel I have a choice.
I know that expectation that a magic someday will arrive - when I'm "all done" with this. That I'll be finally free or whatever. But this isn't all it's cracked up to be, I think. In reality, I think I'll simply be sliding along a scale of the old & new issues (thought more of as opportunities or challenges, now) and that some days, I'll be more conscious and more free than others. I think I can accept that as a reasonable "outcome". At the same time though, this kind of work is one of the ways I "love myself every day" - like Helen was talking about. And given where I was - I don't know that I'll ever see a need to completely "let it go". Self-reflection and inner work are continuous, lifelong education - in a spiritual sense - for me.
It helps me connect to the universe beyond me - and I ain't about to let that go! Too much to see, do, play with, and learn about. Too many fun people to get to know. And way too many things that I haven't thought about in depth or understood yet. The thirst for that kind of knowledge bolsters my inner cost-benefit chart... I WANT to know more than I'm afraid that other people will react to me like Nmom did... and so I decide to take incrementally larger or different risks.
Not that you'll have the same experience - but I hope you'll find it reassuring that this part of your path doesn't have to be exhausting, tedious, a struggle. It can be fun, delightfully enlightening, low-stakes risks too... scary as that might sound at the moment.