"It can be so hard to even put into words how you feel - or recognise that you have feelings - because you've spent your whole life having to hide or ignore everything about yourself."
"revealing of any part of my true self to another person is still unnerving."
"It took seeing the same therapist for nearly five years before I could bring myself to tell the 'gory' stuff at the session's beginning. Even then, I censored it due to my abuse and trust issues.
"I couldn't really get angry with them. I couldn't feel my anger. I actually felt like something like tar was coming out of where I keep all those angry feelings and just covering my body. My limbs felt incredibly heavy and tired. I laid down and took a nap for three hours."
"i could feel my anger and I expressed it. I had a mixture of emotions follow after doing this. I felt scared that I would be 'punished' for this. This was an emotion from my childhood where any expression of negative emotions was not allowed. I felt relief, like a bit of my burden had been lifted and I felt stronger because of it. And I felt incredibly sad for everything that had happened. I hope this sadness will turn into empathy for the child I was. Just thought I'd share this."
Just want to say: yes, yes, yes. I also experienced this stuff. Therapy takes our time, our energy (emotional & physical), our money, but, there's a wonderful pay off: we can finally figure out why we are how we are & what we want now. As we go thru it, we change, we evolve. I find I'm a different person. I'm not the person I was prior to therapy. I'm still in therapy & I'm still changing, getting to the root of my troubles, but also figuring out what I want in the present. Sometimes, I can't get to the root of it, the origination point & I've come to accept that too. I've come to accept there was a lot of dysfunction in the past but now, I'm freeing myself from those dysfunctions.
(((((Worn)))): sounds like your therapy is going really well, even though it's painful.