Nm sang, fairly well. She sang solos for years in the church. She quit after a snot nosed teen told her she sounded a little sharp to him. I don't think she's ever forgiven him.
I found out at 22 that I'm mostly tone deaf. Strangely enough, nm always pushed me to join youth choirs, sing a duet for church with a friend, on and on. The duet was one of the most embarrassing times of my life. I just quit singing in the middle of it.
I don't think nm ever noticed I was tone deaf. She didn't notice much at all about me, so this isn't surprising. To her, I was an extension of her so of course I would be involved in singing activities. I hated the whole thing. Hated performing in front of crowds mostly. I could tell people didn't like something about the way I sang, so I sang very softly.
I love to sing now. Almost always when I'm alone though. Favorite place is the car. I used to sing to my nephew's when they were little too. They seemed to enjoy it.

Sometimes we'll still belt out something together, being supremely silly all the while. I love it!
Yeah, singing is definitely a touchy subject for me. Too much history. I just want to feel free to make a joyful noise, cacophony, ruckus, whatever. Worn