Sweet Strength...
I am so happy to read your unique, warm, electrically intense and deeply thoughtful insights again! I'm glad that you're reclaiming this because you do have much to offer... and maybe it's even the source of your deep strength.
Can I offer an observation? It's about the membrane and the angry yuck inside...
That yuck has to "get out"; if you keep trying to hold it all in you will explode... it backfires on to you. It's like an infection, you know? At the same time - paradoxically - you also have to claim the anger as your right, emotionally - and in the claiming of it, the power of it over you, gradually diminishes. Instead, you are able to wield it effectively and responsibly... without the negative side effects. I'm talking about the old, all-consuming anger of the wounds to the "self" that come from abusive or neglectful parenting...
Of course, this is easier said than done. I've often wondered if there is ever an end to this kind of anger... but I do think now, that there is. Claiming that anger, isn't at all comfortable. Lord knows, lousy parents have punished the children who dared to feel and show anger a million different ways. Figuring out the ways I was denied this emotion - and then reliving those memories and allowing that anger to be expressed - helped. The colors started to get brighter in the world, and I was able to laugh and make jokes every now & then.
Some of that anger processing happened here; most of it happened in my journals and just sitting with myself. I couldn't allow myself to be angry in 3-D... because I was always shamed for it; punished for it; blamed for it. And I'm still overly conscious and concerned about making other people uncomfortable in the vicinity of the "angry me" - especially when something has triggered "old" anger. So I learned a lot of different ways to try to pretend I wasn't angry (I think I failed miserably at this)... and I'm still about halfway sure that I internalized the parental punishment for my anger... into self-limiting, self-defeating and self-destructive reflexes designed to a.) express the anger and get it "out" of me and b.) find some way to "hide" it so I wouldn't be punished by my mom and c.) punish myself for being angry in the first place --- all because no one allowed me, no one taught me, that there is a difference between good - bad anger. Anger was always bad, was the mistaken belief in a FOO where I wasn't allowed my own boundaries. This just didn't work, but I didn't have a clue what else to do.
The processing of it - allowing myself to first feel it - was how I was able to claim it as "good anger" and drain out the toxic yuck that polluting me. After feeling - looking at it from all angles - thinking about it; observing anger in life... in other people; in myself. And then, finally seeing that hey! I wasn't so angry anymore. No, I don't really know how that happened - but it did. And no, I wasn't ever taught how to process feelings, either! LOL! I was taught instead, that one is supposedly helpless to do anything about feelings - that they were like a cosmic force, say gravity - and I never thought at the time, to apply logic to that and ask - if that's true, then how is it right that I be punished for my feelings? How can I be "bad" because I'm angry that I have no parents who take care of me or love me??
This kind of work is, as you've noted, extremely freeing. There are as many ways to do this, I guess, as there are people. It removes a heavy, heavy weight from one's shoulders - and moves one closer to an easy connection with the rest of the world and the fabulous, interesting and kind people in it. I look forward to reading what you're willing to share of your work on this because I know you're going to be able to find some wonderful, profound truths for yourself. I've really missed you!