So the work on this new theory begins; I had an interesting dream...
back in Twiggy's old house - only lots more rooms - and I was getting ready to "leave for the day" (as if my "shift" was over)... told my Dad 'bye and be good... and had to stop to lock all the doors... Heavy, wooden; painted that house's color of green - doors with elaborate sliding double latches that were difficult to work - to keep my Dad IN, so he wouldn't wander off or hurt himself. There were some other bizarre things in the dream... that I sorta feel were just thrown in for "effect"... the main symbol is that door. I don't ever dream about my Dad, and don't recall myself as Twiggy dreaming about him either.
I know if I just remember the dream - and wait long enough - the meaning of this will arrive in my brain.
Worked more, packing up MILs stuff yesterday. It's still hard. I still have a next morning grief reaction, but it's a welcome OK grief - there's a ton o' love mixed in with it. It was physical activity - "work" - which I can do without all the complicated crap that comes up with self-care. Usually, I can do physical work longer than a lot of people. I do take frequent breaks... one thing I've noticed is like a muscle spasm in my back whenever I'm doing something like this that has a lot of emotion involved. OK, it's hard not to notice it! It hurts. It comes up with cooking also, which makes no sense. As if I'm carrying around a couple hundred pounds on my back and shoulders while going about my task. Or expecting to be stabbed in the back... or something like this. But I will drive myself on & on, without eating even to exhaustion... until the task is complete... or complete enough for me. Same with working outside.
But self-care or things that feel good - even simple stretching - forgetaboutit! That's just not on the "list"... not allowed... don't deserve this... it's a "stupid" thing to do... 'coz we're all gonna get old, sick and die anyway or hit by a bus or tsunami... or so goes the "tape" in my head from the "good old days". I don't have a whole lot to debate this old tape with; but I do have what I learned with MIL... helping her recover from a stroke... get her strength back from major surgery for lung cancer... and how we coped with radiation, chemo drugs, and even her last illness. I do have the wacky ideas that I put out here, for Iz... and others... try this... maybe this will work.
MAYBE... what that old tape has turned into now... maybe that's one those "feelings" that got projected on me... that I internalized... and because it's associated with my body (and therefore, shame)... maybe that's why it's like the last, most stubborn piece to kick out of my life. HEY, I've left husbands for the same kind of crap.... so I'm really not understanding what the power of this particular thing is, over me. And one more idea has popped into my head:
what is the role of compassion - self-empathy (or it's other cousin, self-pity) in all this? Because, if I had to say what that message was... it was direct permission to neglect myself, over-indulge in foods that aren't healthy, lay around and do nothing physical... nothing with my body that "feels good".
That is strictly prohibited... and gets lumped into the "shame" category under the sub-head of "self pity"... or pampering myself... or thinking I deserve this - when of course, the wicked witch in my house wouldn't/couldn't do this for herself... and therefore, I wasn't allowed either. That "hurt' her... and it was "my fault"... I was bad and shameful... for really enjoying how my body felt - ice skating, wanting to learn ballet, running, climbing trees, rolling down a grassy hill in the sun, feeling myself attune to horses galloping into the wind. Oh, and she was jealous because I was tall and skinny, like a willow wand and just as flexible.
I've been able to at least call a truce with the "mom in my head" about the things that she decided would happen after the rape. I can see her reasoning about the abortion makes some sense, given her mentality and my age. She really, really wanted me to prove that "girls are smart and successful and capable"... even as she gave me explicit messages to the contrary... stupid, clumsy, not good enough. She wanted me to do it - because she wanted to do this herself... and whatever her odd mental illness is... she couldn't. (weird - how that also fits in with projections...)
I can even even see that the "shame" she felt about what happened to me... she pushed that on me... and then tried to deny any of this ever happened - to protect herself from the feeling of shame... hoping against hope and even working hard to get me to forget it, too. It really was more than she could bear. I'd already seen her go through one nervous breakdown, when my grandma died... she came very close to another, in this time period. My mom simply fell completely apart when she felt any emotions. She felt them as physical assaults on her being. And yes, she'd fight and throw things like a 3 yr old having a temper tantrum any time she couldn't hold off any feelings. I saw this again 10 or so years ago.
My whole life, I've felt like she was somehow vicariously living through me... sending me to learn so that I could teach her how to fix herself... using me to interface with the world that she feared so much... forcing me to be two people - myself (which is the one that had to endure the negative messages) and her pawn, substitute, golom infused with all her projected crap giving me the quest of finding a solution to her "problem"... until I learned about boundaries, that is!!

I have a concrete, distinct memory of my mom giving me a bag of potato chips when I expressed an emotion... saying "here, eat all of these, it'll make you feel better - but you have to eat the whole bag." And telling me that's what people do with emotions. That was one of her beliefs that she projected... wanted me to believe too (to make it OK for her?)... something she stuck to me, as if I were the Tar Baby. It's NOT me, though. She also bitched furiously about how little I ate because I simply didn't have the appetite she did and couldn't eat those huge portions. I've already been through this... but I still must be missing something obvious as hell - so big I can't even see it.
Maybe that something big, is that she had such complete control of me - and I of course "gave up" and didn't tell her F off or that she was crazy or couldn't tell me what to do... I gave over all my own personal power to choose for me... I acquiesced; collaborated; cooperated - participated - in my own undoing... because it was the only path to survival that my kid mind could think of, at the time. Or MAYBE........
since in her mind, it was my Dad who was "so bad"... because he liked people, having fun, he liked to feel good - emotionally and physically... maybe in my dream, I was locking the door to keep him "in" because that's what my mom wanted... god forbid, since she couldn't/wouldn't allow herself to feel good - anyone else should. Maybe I should've left the door in my dream - unlocked - and given my idea of my Dad - my own ability to do things for myself that are healthy and feel good - FREEDOM.
Guest: what do you mean about comparison? Can you finish that thought for me? Thanks!
Light, m'dear: I'm actually "feeling" OK... maybe kinda like I'm polishing a turd... a bit silly going through this yet again... but also like FINALLY there's some fresh air in a space that's been shut up against the light and is damp and musty. There's something "new", but I don't know what it is yet... some new energy... or pattern emerging. It's all good.