It was so weird that you wrote this. I was laying in bed last night thinking about the same thing. I'm sure I'm not the only one around here who doesn't drift off into an angelic sleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.
So, around 3am I was analyzing if I am going to end up with a spoiled little brat for a daughter. I'm afraid I won't be able to say no to her for fear that she might think I don't love her. I constantly tell her how pretty, smart, funny, wonderful and lovable she is. Then I'm constantly asking my husband "Do you think she knows I love her?" "Are you sure she knows I love her?" He's very good about reassuring me, but sometimes he lets out the - are you asking me this again -sigh.
Of course I also suffer from the other side you talked about. I'm all loveydoveylovey and then PSYCHO. It comes out of nowhere. I can't figure out why little things will all of a sudden have me enraged. I have a hard time resisting the urge to slap her in the face. I never do, instead I pick her up and hug her and sing a little song about how much mommy loves her. This always leaves me holding her and crying and saying a silent prayer that I will never hurt her physically or emotionally. If I can get so angry with a little girl who is only going to be one on Thursday, how am I going to keep my cool when she starts talking back.
About my husband -I'm pretty sure he's a good guy. Of course like bunny said earlier he has some of his own childhood issues. I constantly accuse him of lying and cheating even though there isn't evidence that he has done either. For the most part he is the most wonderful guy I have ever dated. Like you, though, there is a long list of losers before him. Drug addicts, compulsive liars (this seems to be my specialty), Porn addicts, and cheaters. It always reminds me of what Julia Roberts says in Pretty women - something about if there is a loser within a ten mile radius I'm going to find him and fall in love with him.
Wishing you the best,