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Re: New thread for flirting, opposite sex relationship stuff
« Reply #75 on: January 07, 2012, 03:58:48 PM »
The heck you say!

« Last Edit: January 09, 2012, 05:38:10 PM by Boat that Rocks »


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Re: New thread for flirting, opposite sex relationship stuff
« Reply #76 on: January 10, 2012, 10:05:38 AM »
OK; a little grumpy today... because apparently I don't speak in such a way that hubs knows I'm simply making a statement - he takes it personally; that I'm commenting on him. He fell asleep on the couch... and I when I nudged him, and woke him... I also squinted at the clock (I'd been drifting off too) and said: It's not even 8 oclock.

He told me I was making fun of him for falling asleep; I told him - I'm sorry you feel that way, but here's what I meant...

And he STILL thinks this, this morning, that I was making fun of him.

This crap makes me crazy; I feel like I'm speaking in a foreign language and can't make myself understood. Do you guys think I'm speaking in a code?? I work hard to say specifically what I mean... constantly editing and watching my words... so I WON'T be misunderstood...
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Re: New thread for flirting, opposite sex relationship stuff
« Reply #77 on: January 11, 2012, 08:46:58 AM »
Well, FW... that is certainly one of my trigger points. Being believed about what/how I feel, in particular.

There is more to this, tho... stuff I can change (my stuff that is)... and some things I can ask him to do/not do and why it might be important to me. We've gotten into the usual married-couple habits... and some of those habits habitually hit my trigger points -- but I didn't realize it before, nor did I think they might be reinforcing some "stuckness" for me... on things I want to change. It was all just hunky-dory before therapy... before regaining a relationship with my Self... and silly me; I expected hubs and the rest of the world to simply automatically see & recognize that... and adjust accordingly. It's not just Nmoms who don't do this - it's the whole world, no matter how much I still need someone to do that. Now the old relationship "games"... the silly ways we interact and play with each other - well, they need to adapt too.

I snapped his head off (verbally) last night, as he hit me with the parent-child game again last night in his communication to me. He needs to "get with the program"... he needs a report on where I am right now and what I DON'T need anymore... and to know what I do want from him. It's not his fault. I did tell him a long time ago what I wanted/needed... then that changed, but it kept changing too... metamorphosis is a process... so I haven't yet communicated at that level, the "who I am now"... which is why he keeps tripping my triggers. It might even be a welcome breath of fresh air to the relationship... at least some of it. He is trying SOOO hard these days to participate in the chores of daily life and meet me halfway on my expectations for his participation.

I don't often lash out like that anymore at anyone, much less him. But the parent-child crap combined with his constant attention-stroke seeking neediness was just too much for me. It's the old making me responsible for his crap - too - then bitching about how I take care of it. I'm not having any of that crap anymore. From anyone. For now.

Like I said - grumpy.
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« Reply #78 on: January 11, 2012, 04:51:03 PM »
I've got to admit, I don't get it P (then there are a lot of things I don't get), you wake up your husband because its early in the evening and you don't want him to fall asleep yet or something...then he thinks you are making fun of him?? You are a bit pissy for whatever reason. WHY are you grumpy?

I'm sorry but I don't see where the conflict is in this interaction...maybe I'm being dull but I'm missing something here P.

I would say something like this maybe just needs to blow over as a non-event...but then again I'm no expert.

You could say to him that you LUV him, (kiss), and that you feel irritable, AND most importantly you are going to immediately join a book group, START a new workout routine that includes going somewhere and walking someplace new...or going to a museum....or JUST go take a class any some ZUMBA or something.... You don't really need to negotiate this with him do you? Can't you just sign up for a class and tell him casually as you are on your way out the door....."I've got a class to's some frozen pizza".....a minor commitment class....rock climbing.....investing....?

What the book and binoculars.....I'm going BIRD WATCHING.....I'll be back in three can take a nap while I'm gone.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2012, 05:11:34 PM by Boat that Rocks »


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Re: New thread for flirting, opposite sex relationship stuff
« Reply #79 on: January 13, 2012, 08:55:03 AM »
OK, so maybe "grumpy" is a code-word for a volatile cocktail of more basic emotions... and maybe I was grumpier than I knew!

Boat - you're right, you did miss part of the picture. Hubs gets serious neck cramps when he falls asleep on the couch - sitting up; head lolling to one side or the other... or all scrunched up, in an awkward position. I was waking him, to prompt him to go lie down and stretch out more comfortably.

FW - I was in that fuzzy state between full consciousness and sleep, too. I think I had "come to" after sliding off into a short doze, when I realized hubs didn't look comfy at all. So my comment about the time, was an incredulous observation about both of us being sleepy so early. Easily explainable by the early hour we woke up that day, too. I'm gonna come back to that...

It was after he'd complained I was making fun of him, and also after I'd explained that I wasn't... and what I was doing... and he wasn't accepting it, that the "sorry you feel that way" came out. Because I need a boundary with him of this sort, on a daily basis. It's all low-level ground clutter stuff - each one doesn't have much significance - but it takes a cumulative toll on me, to "hold up" under this constant nitpicky stream of trying to make me responsible, accountable and "in charge of" his state of being. I really don't want to be - this is counter to one of my basic needs from this type of relationship, knowing that I can rely on him to pitch in... be part of the process... participate in decision-making... and manage his own crap, existential or otherwise. I'm looking for an equal partner, in other words with his own particular skill-set and differences, to collaborate with... and hubs does rise to this expectation in splendid form... sometimes.

That said, I agree with you about the distance and coldness in the "sorry..." remark. It wasn't helpful in that situation and unfortunately - distance and withdrawal is my relational "secret weapon" or refuge. I don't like this particular "hangover" from coping with my FOO and have been working on it. Some days are better than others, as far as my ability or capacity. Probably the most frequently used word in the house is "sorry"... and it's covering the gamut, the range... that Lighter so brilliantly connected to the meaning of "spicy" in any given situation. And it's used too often, to excuse what I think is an unconscious form of power struggle.

I did speak to him, about what I feel is a parent-child interaction/expectation pattern between us. He "babysits" me way too much for my comfort - and expects me to treat him in the same fashion. Like he'll tell me HOW to say things and HOW I should feel, even. How romantic, you know? [He knows this is an anger-trigger; been pointed out many times... but I guess he feels it shouldn't apply to him. SIGH] My hero... who I have to wake up and tell him to go to bed, where he's comfortable... a grown man who I expect to take care of me when I need him to, can't even take care of himself (according to my version of wisdom).

And yes, we're probably both grumpy about this under the surface stuff... and I'm frustrated because I want to change it... and he thinks it's just hunky-dory... it's all good, from where he sits. So, yes... the option to just get myself out of the house on a regular basis is the sensible thing to do. But even that gets turns into me having his emotions in my power... because he'll ask "where've you been?" "I was lonely" and he won't even feed himself... until I get home... much less find something to do for himself. My absence and non-babysitting approach is read as "you don't care about me".

No, I don't handle that kind of subtle hostility...passive aggressiveness, very well. When it's a constant sub-text to the relationship, it's like chinese water torture... and since he will go to extremes to avoid conflict, or won't believe me when I tell him my feelings... when we do talk about it... I'm feeling not heard, pretty intensely. Important only in the functional sense... i.e, taking "care of"... "caretaking" him. The whole co-dependency cycle...

NO WONDER I'm "grumpy" and touchy... well. Glad I was finally able to spit that out so I can look at it. Maybe I'm wrong... maybe this has more to do with hubs' ego & retirement than it does with anything else...

Thanks guys. More thinking, looking, talking and then I'll come back to this.
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Re: New thread for flirting, opposite sex relationship stuff
« Reply #80 on: January 13, 2012, 01:16:47 PM »
Hubs gets serious neck cramps when he falls an awkward position. I was waking him, to prompt him to go lie down and stretch out more comfortably.

....I need a boundary with takes a cumulative toll on me, to "hold up" under this constant nitpicky stream of trying to make me responsible, accountable and "in charge of" his state of being. I really don't want to be -  ....manage his own crap[/b], existential or otherwise

Hey PR,
Sometimes when I look at stuff I've written like an editor later, things jump out. Thought I'd try to do this for you in case it helps. What jumped out at me was a contradiction, and I thought you might not have seen that because of the volume of energy you felt around this event. (Which was a great microcosm story to tell. And thank you for it.)

What I noticed off the bat was -- he didn't make you, you CHOSE to be in charge of "prompting him". He's a grownup! If he gets neck cramps, that may motivate him to change his habit. Or not. So then, he has neck pain. Ahh. Well, it's his body.... How lovely it would be for you to feel serene about NOT correcting, fixing, being responsible for his own natural consequence. Even stupid ones. In choosing to wake him to "prompt him" -- I wonder if unconsciously (despite your conscious desire to NOT experience this) you put yourself in the role of parent?

(Of course, yank him out of traffic if need be.  :lol: But a small personal choice like that with non-fatal consequences? If it's important enough to him to avoid neck cramps, he'll figure it out. Or maybe he's gone passive because he's gotten a little too MUCH instruction? People can become more helpless. (I know I have. And I've set my D up for this too...which is probably why I'm noticing it in your anecdote. Pot and Kettle and who cares, if we all benefit.)

Anyway, maybe the boundary you really need to set is with yourself -- learning to turn off (or abide with or compassionately observe) your own urge to be in charge and give instruction and take control.

So--him trying to "make you" responsible. In this instance, he didn't. You made yourself responsible. He was just asleep.

I believe you completely that you feel a strong need to rely on him to manage his own crap. And perhaps this was an isolated instance, not part of an interaction pattern. Bet not, though. Mine never are. I think the focus on him, and your frustration, probably comes more from the sabotaging thing (that works against that goal) that's coming from you--how deeply uncomfortable it is to deal with and release your desire to control.

I completely understand why controlling things/people is a survival drive in you. Makes perfect sense. And in that way that even things we don't want to do to ourselves develop for very logical-psyche and healing-from-crap reasons...maybe what was once survival has become handicap. (It is for me anyway.)

But that's what got illuminated for me in reading this post. Thank you for sharing the story. It's just amazing to me how our lives and our issues appear in the humblest anecdotes. We're like freakin' billboards about who we are and we can't get back far enough to see what they say.

(But friends do, sometimes. I have been informed that I "edit everything" -- one of the more memorable lines, delivered without annoyance. But...blush. BUSTED. What I'm trying to get at is, if I'm at all or partially correct in my observations...I hope you'll look at whatever feeling pops up with compassion too.)


« Last Edit: January 13, 2012, 10:56:48 PM by Hopalong »
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Re: New thread for flirting, opposite sex relationship stuff
« Reply #81 on: January 14, 2012, 09:31:31 AM »
You folk-es are the bestest.

Somewhere along the line of talking about this, I realized I was a big part of "what happens" - which in turn, sets off the stuff that bothers me... that I'm trying to change, or at least know I want to change about me...

but I'm all tangled up right now. I could write pages... and not say anything. Your feedback is helpful (and a lot clearer than I am right now).
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Re: New thread for flirting, opposite sex relationship stuff
« Reply #82 on: January 14, 2012, 12:19:55 PM »
I'm controlling, too. And completely blind to it half the time.

I interpret it verrrry differently when I'm actually in the grip of being controlling (or "editing" everything in view) -- I tell myself that it's anxiety, caring, desire to help, and I'm often terribly perplexed at why others can't just SEE that my insight is amazing, my advice is spot-on, and my intuition is worth its weight in diamonds. And if they'd listen to me, well then they'd be all better!

Meanwhile, controlling myself? Feh. Not HALF as interesting as editing everybody else. As I write I am avoiding 2 months' worth of paperwork and unopened envelopes. Wondering if the lady I'm hiring to help me with this stuff is going to feel judgmental when she arrives in an hour. I ponder all the time my lack of self-control when it comes to that basic adult part of life. Triggers a ton of shame and frustration, but not nearly enough change.

In fact (back to the thread topic) -- one reason I sometimes retreat from the idea of dating is fear that if someone else gets to know how many blank spots there are in my life that result from me not controlling ME ... they'd not like it.

So this here Pot thinks she recognizes Kettles sometimes, but I'm really grateful we're banging around in this kitchen together. Something's getting cooked that hopefully, in the long run, might be good for our health.


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Re: New thread for flirting, opposite sex relationship stuff
« Reply #83 on: January 14, 2012, 12:29:11 PM »
Hops, what do you mean blank spots?


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Re: New thread for flirting, opposite sex relationship stuff
« Reply #84 on: January 14, 2012, 05:06:33 PM »
Hi Boat, or Tree (shoot, I liked "Boat"  :)) --
By blank spots I mean areas of responsible proper behavior that I think most other people DO, and I barely do, or don't do, such as:
--consistently cleaning
--consistently paying bills on time and organzing paperwork
--consistently exercising
--consistently eating grownup food

What happens is, for my job -- I function in spurts but extended creative pretty succsessful spurts, so despite my deficits, I'm the only one in my company who can do what I do (the writing, the "voice" we present to the customers, and the company's public profile, which is a multi-page site with loads of blog posts, and which drives a lot of business) as well as I do it. (And my boss is accustomed to having me polish his writing into something that can be posted.) So there...the blank spots merge in or get outweighed by the roles I play well.

For my home, well, nobody is inspecting my room or bath or sloppy study or messy piles of mail. But a life partner would not find this acceptable behavior, I think. It feels like a "blank spot" to me, and I feel as though I "get away with it" -- because literally there's nobody to edit ME. Nobody watching, supervising, etc. So if I'm going to fill in the blank spot I have to actually exercise some self discipline which, other than to retain my job...I just don't display much of.

TT -- thank you. The lady just left and she was delightful and helpful and a decent person so I'm feeling quite hopeful that she's going to help me build a system that works for me.

Thank you, too, for the reminder about shame and how pointless it is to make a big f-ing SECRET of the weaknesses I feel vulnerable about. I really do agree with you...I'm just too old to want to make a big pretend-self to impress anybody (including anybody male) thank you. Reminds me to continue to practice self-love. When I do remember that, I am willing to laugh at myself, speak the truth about what I'm good at and not...and you're right, let the chips fall.

I was affected by your description over the nearly-servile doting. I really can imagine that. First, i can imagine my own "squick-meter" running high if I didn't know where the behavior came from. What's lovely is that you weren't fixated on JUDGING him for it, you actually wanted to understand what it was about! Bravo.

I remember I used to, way back when young, feel freaked out by the degree of doting my father did to my mother. I saw it as servile and found it maddening. Getting older...I put together that HIS model of a husband was his own father, who had been devoted to his mother to a near-saintly degree (even after she was paralysed, voiceless and bedridden for 13 years after a stroke). What was funny was how this bled into my Dad's mother had the constitution of a Clydesdale but a great appetite for being a princess, and their unconscious needs made them an incredible "fit." Once I understood that this made perfect interior sense to my Dad, in a way I don't think he was very aware of...I lost my judgement and contempt and saw he was living out a logic from his psyche that had grace to him.

Yoicks, if I hired a male to do this who had 2 teeth and a sense of humor...I'd NEVER be able to concentrate!

« Last Edit: January 14, 2012, 05:19:08 PM by Hopalong »
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Re: New thread for flirting, opposite sex relationship stuff
« Reply #85 on: January 14, 2012, 08:07:54 PM »
Thanks, FW...
You're right, it sounds ridiculous.

But when I'm anxious (my D arrives tomorrow so I'm a little off balance) I think in perfectionistic terms.
I'll post about that on my other "D" thread at some point, not this one.

It's stupid. Thank you.

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Re: New thread for flirting, opposite sex relationship stuff
« Reply #86 on: January 15, 2012, 10:37:04 AM »
The social scientists have recognized this tendency to believe that "other people" eat properly, exercise regularly, have Better Homes & Gardens perfect abodes, and are extremely well-organized and self-disciplined. Statistically speaking, we exaggerate what we believe others are like and do... discounting ourselves... for both good/bad attributes. (No matter our backgrounds, parenting, trauma etc)

It's as if we use one set of judgements & standards & values for ourselves and another for "other people". Sometimes, we're the perfect ones and everyone else needs to get a clue... sometimes it's the other way round. To a social scientist, an N is simply someone who always believes they're perfect & that there's something flawed with everyone else. Despite data, evidence, etc even.

I've migrated in my reading to social science (which is where my interests in human behavior started oh so many years ago...) and I think I can finally see why I'm a bit "tangled up and confused" right now. It's like thinking in two different languages that have some overlap... say French and Spanish. From combining what I now know about psych (which will never be enough) and dysfunctional parenting and PDs with Social Science, there is a "bigger universe" with new patterns and clues emerging in my thinking, by overlaying the social science concepts onto the psych... and finding consistency, differences, etc.

this last book I read dives into just what "self-discipline" is... what "willpower" is/isn't. I was hoping that I might learn something from the book, that I could put to use in my own struggles, you know? To construct what Gaining Strength always asked for: a how-to plan...

The dust hasn't settled yet on the creative integration of these new-er ideas in my head... but I am certain now, that "willpower" and "self-discipline" AREN'T value-based character attributes that people either have or don't have. Rather, they are skills and habits that people develop and the seed bed for those skills starts in childhood but most people work on this throughout their lifetimes - more intensely at some points, than others. So, to my way of thinking... everyone CAN learn these... degree of difficulty, natural ability and all that, will apply - but it can be done.

Where some of the "overlay" happens... is that thoughts and emotions are also involved in that learning... establishing and refining those skills. One emotion that was explained in some detail, was how shame fits into that process. And that often, say in the case of self-harm or self-sabotage habits, the shame actually generates the "energy" to keep the cycle going, in perpetuity. Which is one of the reasons those kinds of self-sabotage seem insurmountable and immutable - regardless of what is thrown at them.

Now, throw in relationships... in my instance... and relationship/attachment issues... and hypersensitivity to external control/criticism/ and defense-mechanism "controlling" to protect myself... and we have a toilet bowl of volatile variables again. The "what the hell effect" - of throwing away all self-discipline, working toward self-selected goals... "giving up"... because one small slip-up or deviance from the goal = abject and total failure in the totalitarian regime of shame... this gets magnified and becomes a self-protective habit.

That totalitarianism... of black/white thinking... and the constant no-win double-bind of shame/not ever being "good enough" to earn the performance reward of accomplishment is what I find myself trapped in and unable to articulate most of the time. That wouldn't contribute to a disruption of "attunement" or sense of well-being or being understood.... noooooooooooooo.

This also kills my motivation - my "want-tos" - even my want to being aware of what I really need. That's the "Ego Depletion" effect and it's a secondary, even complimentary process that helps shame regain it's reign of despair and agony. So that, one is drained of inner resources and overwhelmed with real, physical, emotional and intellectual needs... and yet unable to return to the necessary equilibrium on one's own. The studies have shown that people's glucose levels drop during the Ego Depletion phase and just like a diabetic who's blood sugar has dropped too low... one is unable to help oneself... and OH LOOK.... that's an opportunity for shame to creep in again, isn't it?

Whatever the habit one is trying to "edit" and change... I also know (belatedly) you have to start with a complete assessment of "where you are right now"... your starting point. Fusing in what we've all learned here... some self-compassion is a good combination with that assessment.

Remove or at least lower the shame-factor involved in where you calculate that starting point is, in comparison to other people (because there's a better than 50% chance you're distorting where others are). Shame is one of those tools that can backfire easily... like a double-edged sword. Shame can motivate... shame over-used or misused can deny one the chance to self-regulate, removes the satisfaction reward... the performance achievement... people shut down, give up, stop trying and then blame/shame themselves.

Then find a reward that fills part of one's genuine needs. Like a "down payment", no matter how small... it will start to add up. Pennies, to dollars, etc... drops of water to oceans...

I'm talking this out, as much for myself as to suggest the ideas to you, Hops. To make sure I understand it, myself. The "hope" in all this, is that even by making small, incremental changes... one creates the energy - and perhaps what I call the "space" - to add in more small changes, after enough time has elapsed to make the first changes "automatic"... in other words, habit or routine.

And over a longer period of time, those new habits become "definitions" of part of "who we are"... identity or self.

I THINK, anyway. I'm still experimenting; and so far... so good. I've been able to "edit" a few small habits... adding in a couple... they now seem normal... and I'm "programmed" to want to keep to those habits. I don't "like" not keeping to those habits. Now, to expand the scope... without shooting for the long-range goals and skipping all the steps in between that all-together create the ability to achieve the long-term goal.

Maybe the terms of this way of talking/thinking about these kinds of issues aren't going to be so useful to everyone. I found that working from and in the emotional space, well... it just didn't go far enough... and it missed some things entirely that I need to work on... and I was getting to be an emotional junkie - needing lots & lots of reassurance - but not "getting on with it.
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Re: New thread for flirting, opposite sex relationship stuff
« Reply #87 on: January 16, 2012, 08:09:03 AM »
((((((PR)))))) it always takes two to tango.

Maybe you don't have to change just you. Maybe what could change is the way the dance happens (the thing that happens between you, not to either of you). At least, being human, we can dance. :)

Right now, we're sort of circling each other, FW. I'm getting clearer about what I need - which feeds into those wants - I just can't open my mouth and say the words. I can't initiate... reach out & whirl him around... I'm not sure I have a clue how to dance... despite analyzing it to death and having lots & lots of practice... but little actual dancing.

And oh... how my mother hated me dancing, especially with my dad. She thought it was something putrid, lewd and awful... not at all what it was: innocent fun. And these days, I don't give a damn what my mom thinks... but there it is: the conflict between having fun, being a normal social person... and being like my mom, instead. Being PUNISHED for NOT being like my mom. Until I "broke" and pretended to be like her - so she would leave me the F alone. And it's still echoing around, and around in my head... with malevolent, stupid whispers... that I'm not allowed to have fun; not allowed to feel good and most definitely not allowed "Look at me, see what I can do"... because mom would feel bad; that would hurt her.

A mother's jealousy and envy and competition is the really ugly thing here. Not my dad & me jitterbugging...
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Re: New thread for flirting, opposite sex relationship stuff
« Reply #88 on: January 16, 2012, 04:51:11 PM »
.. but there it is: the conflict between having fun, being a normal social person... and being like my mom, instead. Being PUNISHED for NOT being like my mom. Until I "broke" and pretended to be like her - so she would leave me the F alone. And it's still echoing around, and around in my head... with malevolent, stupid whispers... that I'm not allowed to have fun; not allowed to feel good and most definitely not allowed "Look at me, see what I can do"... because mom would feel bad; that would hurt her.A mother's jealousy and envy and competition is the really ugly thing here. Not my dad & me jitterbugging...

I hear ya, Phoenix, I GET this one.


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Re: New thread for flirting, opposite sex relationship stuff
« Reply #89 on: January 17, 2012, 10:15:01 AM »
tt -

I was thinking of your plate portion example last night at dinner... both hubs & I have the same "training" as your hubs... to allow someone else "first pick" or the biggest portion*, etc. Try to imagine some of the insanely funny conversations we have as each defers to the other... then, from my perspective, understand that absolutely almost every task and decision we undertake as a couple comes down to this. He doesn't believe me (trigger) when I say I really don't care what we eat for this meal... and instead of making a choice by himself... and assuming the responsibility for making it... constantly "tugs" at me to be involved with and make the decision for him. And then, he inserts himself into the "how" (another trigger)... despite having deferred about the decision in the first place. And he never admits that my "how" might be just as effective as his "how"; his "how" is always better.

Then, when I can't take it anymore - I'm the drama queen. She's not very nice, the way I "play" that role. Think: Angelina Jolie as an assassin. I'm frustrated and would rather starve (or feed myself separately) than go through this kind of dance anymore. His response is always (predictably!!) "I'm sorry. I made you mad." And he'll even use this as a way to engage me in the same thing again, unless I've really gotten angry and left the scene. I think it's the "I'm sorry" and the implication that I've not been truthful in what I've told him, that really hits another trigger that I don't know so well. I think it's that he hasn't HEARD me - because of the roar of his own head-trip; his needs for someone else to be in charge... make all the decisions... be responsible/accountable. That trigger is one of feeling invisible; that I don't matter; I'm not important in his world - I don't register on his scope of environment as a real person, with real needs... only as the one who serves his needs.

[and that's really not a comfortable space for me... way too much time spent in it, already, in this lifetime; I keep looking and hoping that I'm misreading this.]

* this kind of reminds me of pack animal behavior... always deferring to the alpha. I don't WANT to be; I need someone else to be... alpha once in a while. Take turns. I told him all day yesterday I didn't feel well and didn't really know if I'm coming down with something or if it was something else (like decision-exhaustion or some kind of unconscious processing of what I've been thinking about lately). He didn't acknowledge that I was being serious, truthful...

until I accidentally got my plate tangled up with the skillet handle and dumped a taco on the floor in the "dog-zone". Then, he realized - finally - that I really didn't have it together. It was the truth, that I'd been telling him all day.

And I know that this kind of sub-optimal, physical & cognitive lack of well-being can also be my unconscious telling me - forcing me to deal with, express, find the words for one of those emotional needs. I don't think I have the energy right now to decode a cryptic message. I think Twigs needs to feel that she can trust hubs to take care of her/me... when we need him to... and not have to present a whole legal case to "prove" that it's necessary. And she's also afraid of this, at the same time because of the "careful what you wish for" effect she went through at the hands of her mom.
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