This is awful Kathy - I'm sorry.
I'm not sure if you are NC or not - My point is that if you are - maybe a little perspective might help. I always think of my NC from the perspective of " I am an autonomous adult and I have outgrown her non-sense." This helps me to stay in track to what I need to do for me, and reminds me to keep my best interests as my self guiding principle, since over time, I have learned that I diminished myself by believing my NMom cared about me, when she only cares for herself. Also, although there are some law of attraction philosophies and buzz words that I dont like ( b/c they encourage passivity among the voiceless, who need to be encouraged to be assertive) Wayne Dyer has a chapter in his book called the Power of Intention about being peaceful with all relatives. I read it before I see relatives. I think its helpful, but applied only after NC or when people have tried to work things out verbally and have failed. I believe there is no value in letting things go, that need to be resolved verbally and by being assertive.
Anyway, I hope you are able to enjoy a wonderful birthday - you deserve it ! (((((((Kathy))))))))