Does the process of observing, picking/eliminating the American Idol and the "Survivor" also reflect something about the American Mind? The Bachelor/Bachelorette? The non-reality shows.
-Not so much game of chance feeling instead has the psychological aspect/group mentality-
To me, there is almost a twist on the idea that maybe the common man has lost touch with reality. Or that our new reality is one in which a modern person approaches a real life situation as if it is a game. That there could be a blur of what is real and what is not real.
In the past it was Jeopardy, Price is right, Wheel of fortune.--Game of chance feeling--
To me, these were obviously Games.
Could the reality shows somehow also be narcissistic somehow?? (well I just googled it and a bunch comes up about this) I don't know if they are or are not. Or maybe its a personality thing. I take something like the romantic shows and then they are entertaining to watch but also it's weird to watch. There was one where a jewish mother in law was horrible to all of the bachelors potential wives-to-be. I can't remember the name of the show.
There is something about being witness to people treating other people badly?
Maybe it is voyeurism and not Narcissism.
Well I just read in the article after this that Narcissism isn't just being confident it is also their need to put other people down.
I mean are we supposed to be shocked or are we supposed to get enjoyment out of it?
There was something about the ancient gladiator games where the slaves were forced to fight to the death in a stadium--I read that it was a population psychology tactic by the rulers to prevent the common people from revolting. So the thirst for blood was quenched in sport.
Has nothing to do with facebook. Just that facebook is this social trend where everybodys business is everybody elses business and people are acting without social graces--kind of reminds me of TV programs. I wonder if the reality shows have a fake intimacy aspect. The romantic partners cry when they are dumped or jilted, the survivors have their emotional ups and downs video taped. It's not like Wheel of Fortune.
It's like people are more socially exposed and there is a claim that things like facebook connect people.
Some people almost need facebook and iphones as a prerequisite to friendship?
I've met some people, I think they are most comfortable if facebook or text is the main structure and channel for the friendship. Almost like a relationship without text and facebook just isnt the same for them.
I just read this, he draws a line between social Narcissism and pathological Narcissism't all presidential candidates have to be pretty strong on the Nar side--I think so otherwise the weight of responsibility could be too much to handle? Being a Narcissist as a president/politician probably psychologically buffers them against reality a bit. So no matter how things turn out --it's always rosey on them--and that does sound like politics.