Oh Kay! That's marvelous news!! Congratulations!
Yes, of course, there's the realistic you knowing what another child means in work, money, space terms. One thinks about those things because one is a responsible, caring parent... and takes appropriate action. That's not stress, though.
And there's the emotional you - already connected to the new little one and feeling protective. As you should. But you need to include yourself inside that protection, too. The type of stress Nmom's create needs to be avoided; buffered; kept at arms' length. If you feel she's bad juju... then she IS bad juju...
Yes, I agree with your Reiki master. It's the mind-body connection and it's not some new-agey, airy-fairy thing in my experience. It's very, very real. And science is finally starting to catch up with explanations about how the hormones cortisol and adrenaline stress our cells, disrupt our bodily process... and like some perpetual motion machine, also affect the thoughts & feelings that started the malfunction in the first place.
I have an idea - just brainstorming here so if you wanna chuck it in the trash, s'ok with me. You know how they say "third time's the charm"?
I think I've finally figured out how to be married with husband number 3. (Who he is, helps quite a bit!) Well, with baby number 3... MAYBE... just MAYBE... you can try something completely different from mourning your NM. You've already done that twice, with the other 2 pregnancies? OK... so what have you learned so far? About yourself, that is? That you're competent, caring, able to maintain your equilibrium in a happy, cuddly, rollicking family? Sounds like your hubby is also very supportive and a real keeper...
That's a really nice picture, to me. It's something I never had growing up. My kids came closer to that. And being able to create that for yourself and your family is a major life accomplishment. It takes a lot of time, energy and caring. It's a full-time job in itself!
I don't know when you'll find a spare minute to think about that old sourpuss NM, do you?
In some ways, it's the perfect "revenge" - and also happy ending - if you
become the mom you wish you had; that you mourn for - and let old sourpuss go the way of people "you used to know". It's kinda amazing how less affected by her crap, you'll be. (oh... you still have to deal with the one in your head - but that's a lot easier!)