Yes lighter, I was thinking about these D comments today. Since she was next of kin, she was called by the hospital, upon my admission, March 27, 2009. NOTE that date of her querying my thoughts....
She also knew about a bad time when a new Doctor took me off diazepam (valium) in 1985. I didn't sleep and went into convulsions.
Now the Resident on my case was making all thsese decisions about me, the next time (I was told that she called me, but remember I was likely in shock and after that drugged) so if the resident didn't know about my tremors,
and she wouldn't have because I never wrote to anyone until after I got home on April 7th..... is it possible that the Resident, Dr. Batchelor, asked leading questions in both cases???????
Right, Karla is my new Daughter!! and Kayla is mt new granddaughter!
