Author Topic: Narcissists and Secrets  (Read 2451 times)


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Narcissists and Secrets
« on: November 30, 2012, 06:26:59 PM »
Hello Everyone:

The holidays are upon us which means the narcissists in our lives become an even bigger lengend in their own minds :)
I've always said that in crises and important events, each member of a family just become more of who they really are.  The N becomes an even bigger N.  The voiceless one becomes even more voiceless and on and on.

Two developments recently occurred in my dysfunctional family which now resides permanently in Dysfunction Junction.  The first has to to with a cousin whom I hadnt seen or spoke to in decades...probably when I was 10 or so.  I recently went out of town on a business trip near where she lives and on a complete lark, I emailed her and asked if she wanted to meet up.  I really didn't think she would because of the total estrangement that had occurred in our family.  Her dad and my dad are brothers.  Well, she did want to and we met up and it was quite the discussion.  She revealed family secrets which I knew nothing about.  Her dad committed suicide which was a pretty upsetting thing for the family.  But she also revealed that my paternal grandfather had committed suicide (something my own dad never ever acknowledged in my iife).  She told me some other things as well.  But what I found really upsetting is how closely our lives aligned even though we had no contact for most of her lives.  Her dad married a total Narcissist; my dad did too.  She fought seious depression all her life as have I.  And suicide has been a thread that ran through our family.  It was quite upsetting.

The second event was fairly recently and has to do with the holidays.  My brother who has essentially turned his back on me and my N mom and Co-D sent me an email essentially announcing what the holiday plans are.  It is a farce since other than the one holiday a year, our family never is together.  I believe my bro chose to deal with the N by cutting his biological family out of his life except when it suited him---like when he needs something or for his daughter.  ANyway, in this email, he is unilaterally dictating everything about the holiday and once again totally disregarding me.  This really pushes my voiceless buttons.  I'm supposed to, as always, go along, cave and compromise but no one else does.  It makes me sick and sad.  I really want to respond by declining and letting him know that disregarding me is not acceptable and that I will not attend.  But it also makes me sad as this will mean I will be alone for the whole holiday.

So, family secrets seem to abound.  When I returned from my trip and tried to explain to my N mom how upsetting my visit was because I learned my grandfather had committed suicide....she just dismissed it and told me not to say anything to my father since it would upset him.

On top of all of this, I'm in a really horrible situation at work.  I have a total N boss who is so threatened by me that she has worked to completely marginalize me and make sure I no longer have a voice.  She also goes behind my back and manipulates my staff to work against me.

So I guess I'm venting a little.  It's hard to appreciate the blessings of the season with all this happening around me.....and knowing that nothing can really change it.  I feel like a caged animal sometimes.

But I am curious.  Does it seem like secrets and Narcissism go hand in hand?  It seems like Ns have to qualms whatsoever about keeping secrets they shouldn't.....


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Re: Narcissists and Secrets
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2012, 01:11:24 AM »
Hi Sun,

I'm sorry that all of this is going on for you at the moment.  I think the thing about my lot - as far as secrets go - is that they can't deal with reality - so anything difficult/unpleasant/requiring honest communication - is shelved in favour of more trivial day to day issues.  Mine also lie a lot, again, I think, because reality isn't what they want it to be, so they create a different one.

Could you volunteer over Christmas?  It might be a way of getting out of the family thing without spending Christmas completely alone.  May not suit you but just a thought I had as I read your post xx


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Re: Narcissists and Secrets
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2012, 12:07:52 PM »
Hi Sun,
I think it was partly generational (shame of victims, appearances over everything) but perhaps also it's partly about narcissism. I really don't know.

My mother kept the secret of her incestuous preacher father her entire life. A cousin was the one who told me. The saddest thing about that secret was that it helped me understand SO much about what shaped my mother. Knowing the truth was a huge boost to my compassion for her. I forgave her so much more easily, once I knew that this was one of the shaping conflicts in her psyche. I just wish I'd known before she was in her late 80s. But I never, ever regret finding out. It helped me find love for her at the end of her life, and stop blaming her.

I hope your own cousin's revelation might in time have a similar effect on you. Is there some relief? What a gift it might be, if you and that brave cousin might find a sisterly bond. That could be healing for you both. (I'd just keep it exclusively to yourselves, though, I think!)

As to who's controlling the holidays? Jeez. The cursed holidays are like a magnifying glass in the sun, and hurt children are like the ants.

I don't know what to offer you except that if you can in any way give yourself the gift of feeling less hurt about it, it will probably be more peaceful for you. It's like we all struggle for "place" in our families and you feel so discarded by yours. And your brother, in addition to being controlling and insensitive to your pain...might also be feeling that he is contributing, by being efficient, and taking charge. A guy thing?

I don't know. I wish you as much peace as you can give yourself, even at Dysfunction Junction.

It's good to hear from you, Sun.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Narcissists and Secrets
« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2012, 11:00:23 PM »
Hmmmm... Sun and Hops... I am sure my NM has hidden secrets. But I am venturing to say that they may not be secrets, but ratehr realities they ignore. Hops, I would guess you NM never wanted to face that truth, so she probably painted a nicer picture for herself. Sun - maybe the same... I know my mother just waves her hand and shoos away ideas she does not like. She literally just pretends they do not exist.
So I don't think they hold secrets. They don't like certain truths and won't admit to them.
What do you think?
xo Beth
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams


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Re: Narcissists and Secrets
« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2012, 12:34:42 PM »
I don't blame, Mom -- truly. She was born in 1910, and her father was a preacher.
She didn't grow up or into the psychology and confessional movement.
I know it was both literally crazy-making (the cognitive dissonance that the
"man of God" whom she also loved, did what he did to her sisters and
according to her only "tried it" with her...but I'll never know about that)
and feeling ashamed.

I believe she kept the secret because of shame. How to raise her children
as devout Christians but never be able to tell the truth about the revered
preacher grandfather? I can't imagine her inner conflict, which I am sure
contributed to her developing Nism.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."