I have waited all day and night for Seeker to reply to my private message to her, but she has not. I guess she has gone and I have decided to make one final post.
I do not understand what Seeker meant by her words at the opening of the Happy Trails thread. I am totally confused and have a desire for clarification, but I guess it doesn't matter. It sounds to me like she thinks I might be responsible for the unkind remarks that have been directed towards her. I can't tell if she thinks it is me making those remarks or if she thinks I am in alliance with that person, or if she thinks I am several posters all in one. It seems as though a cruel joke has been played. Even though this has all taken place on an internet forum, it still has genuinely hurt some feelings, including mine.
I'm not part of a pack, not a drama queen, not a trouble-maker or an imposter of any sort. I don't know what "victory" she speaks of and I don't know what the reference to Iago means. I am one of the "sincere posters," and I am the same always, not for others, but that's how I am true to myself. I have not deceived or bullied anyone. I have been kind and courteous to everyone except the cyberpaths. I have asked outright what they were talking about and who they were and all I got in return was childish nonsense.
I know I have never purposely done anything to hurt anyone else, I would never deceive or take advantage -- NEVER. I was abused all my life by a mother who doesn't love me and who has sought to harm and destroy me. I know first-hand how bad that is and I will never blacken my soul with such actions. A cyber sin is still a sin and we are all accountable.
I have seen many regulars become involved in argumentative situations and I used to wonder why they would do that, how could they possibly get that upset. Then some of them would literally be outnumbered, heckled repeatedly and they would leave, hurt and angry. I used to think that was overreacting. Well, today I went back and read some of those old threads and I see what happened. The hosts of this website know who is doing all this trickery and yet it is allowed to continue. It can happen to any of us if we happen into their crosshairs by pushing their buttons.
I found this forum while searching for reasons why my mother has always treated me so horribly and it was like the sun coming out on a rainy day when I happened upon voiceless.com. As I read the posts each day questions were answered for me as other ACONS shared their stories and thoughtful insights for which I shall always be grateful. I have felt great comfort and warmth in the understanding of fellow ACONS, but all things have their season and for me it's now late winter. I too think it's time to move on and I too have always meant everything I have said. I'm not that trembling, frightened little girl anymore -- I'm way past that. I wish all of you the very best, good health, good fortune, and happy lives.
P.S. I found this definition of a "cyberpath."
Exploitation is easier to accomplish on-line. The level of exploitation is all over the place. Clearly the most dangerous are the cyberpaths. These sociopaths, psychopaths -- unwholesome, psychologically scattered individuals -- can exploit you in truly damaging ways.
Despite common belief, a cyberpath is not always very easily identified, especially since you cannot see the person "in person." The more clever, the more intelligent the cyberpath is, the more you will not become aware of what you are dealing with, until it is too late.
A psychopath, in this instance, the cyberpath, is merely looking for a way to fill in his time with empty exploits. They are highly narcissistic, and the internet provides fodder for them. They move from victim to victim, seeking people to feed their endless need for narcissism. When you've found them out, or they tire of you, they move on to the next victim, or target for narcissistic supply.
Dominance and power are recurring themes in the social relations of psychopaths.
Dominance, power, and having followers are very important to the cyberpath's need for total adulation and control. Cyberpaths absolutely bask in adulation using conniving ways to get the attention that they need. Sometimes the way a cyberpath asserts his control is done subtly.
The psychopath often plays jokes and tricks on others to humiliate them or to assert dominance.
Sadly, many are mistaken about the typical cyberpath. A cyberpath is not always looking for money or sex, quite often, he or she is merely interested in taking you along for a ride. Most of them take pleasure merely in playing the rouse, and not much else. A psychopath has no interest in your inner emotional state because they themselves have no empathy. They merely enjoy "pulling one over" on people.
The cyberpath is mostly interested in playing tricks with his prey, almost in a playful way. To the cyberpath, such things are not really big deal, while for the victim, however, it becomes a rather big issue indeed.
Cyberpaths relish in another's humiliation, taking pleasure in what we find obscene, because they are not like other people, they have no true connection to anybody, and are incapable of feeling real love. Messing with another person's emotions and life is merely a way to pass the time, pulling one over on you is fun and enjoyable.
Again, most cyberpaths are common internet liars and predators. Do not be fooled by someone who tells you that there is such a thing as a "harmless liar." A liar is never harmless. A person who lies should never be trusted, and once you find out they've lied to you even once, it's time to break it off.
Their pleasure in the misfortune of others is unquenchable. People are used as a means to an end.