Author Topic: Dr. Phil and Narcissism  (Read 4007 times)


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Dr. Phil and Narcissism
« on: March 21, 2013, 04:03:41 PM »
So yesterday I was trying to keep my depression in check by watching some afternoon trash TV.  Dr. Phil comes on with a promised hour-long show on narcissism.  My ears perked up and I thought...finally, a program that's really going to address this issue publicly.  So I watched.  Such a huge letdown.  Uncle Phil decides to address this issue by focusing on two individuals who claim to be narcissists.

The first was a 25 year old girl (whose mother is the one claiming she is an out-of-control N).  She definitely displayed self-absorbed traits.  However, it turns out she had 7 abortions that emanated from the fact she was physically abused as a child from her grandfather who subsequently went to jail.  Her mother never got her any help for that situation and her self-absorbed behavior and abortions were the result.  The Doc wrapped this problem neatly up in a bow by promising he'd connect the girl with a therapist in her home town.

Scenario #2 focused on a married woman who was making her husband crazy with her N behavior.  She fell all over herself claiming loud and proud that she is a narcissist who doesn't care about anyone or anything.  She was all about her.  Turns out she never felt "good enough" because she never had parents who paid attention to her.  Her 9-year-old daughter was now imitating her behavior.  Once again, Dr. Phil promised her therapy and all was well with the world.

Really?  Neither of these situations struck me as truly "narcissism".  Traits maybe...but the traits were driven by completely non-related circumstances.  So disappointing that Dr. Phil couldn't even make mention of how serious an illness this can be and what true narcissism is. 

Anyway, here's the link to his promo for the segment.


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Re: Dr. Phil and Narcissism
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2013, 05:26:28 PM »
I am always VERY disappointed in the way the media portrays narcissism. They never address true Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and instead treat it like it's simply an issue of being a little self-absorbed. I hear some talk show hosts use the terms "narcissist" and "snob" pretty much interchangeably. It really angers me, because it makes light of a very serious issue. Whenever I tell anyone that my mother has Narcissistic Personality Disorder, the general reaction is, "So she's full of herself. So what?'

Anyone who proudly announces that they are a narcissist, isn't. People with NPD, by nature, feel that they are perfect and do not ever admit to having a problem. The therapists and psychiatrists who I have seen all tell me that people with NPD rarely get treatment because, in their minds, it's everyone else who has a problem. Anyone who is a medical doctor knows that, so people like Dr. Phil, Dr. Drew, and others, really should be ashamed of themselves for turning something serious into tabloid television.


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Re: Dr. Phil and Narcissism
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2013, 08:54:54 PM »
Totally agree JustKathy.  It was clear to me that no real Narcissist would EVER admit to it....because of course they are perfect!  Those like Dr. Phil really to a disservice to those with NPD or those who are victims of it by marginalizing it.  You'd think he would know better.  Also, it's not just the perception that these individuals were self-absorbed...but rather how their behavior affected others that was never alluded to.  Shame on these TV armchair therapists.


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Re: Dr. Phil and Narcissism
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2013, 05:40:05 AM »
I saw parts of Dr. Phil today while I was getting ready to go out.  Have any of you watched the Jodi Arias trial.  Narcissist comes up often when they speak about her. 

There were many things/actions, body movements, the way she lied, detailed stories, eye movement, dagger looks, arrogance, looked really familiar to me (of course not murder) but I think they got that one right ....

Then you have the other side...abused woman, suffers with ptsd, she was defending her life and had to stab the offender 29 times, cut his throat, and shoot him in the head....although she don't remember because...The Fog! 

Just I'll kill you bitch! A body slam, and her finger on the trigger.. Oh did that go off?

So she should be believed cause the Ninjas didn't work out so good and now she took an Oath!  She lied before but now it's the truth!